Mots-clés : narration interactive, classification, gameplay, règles
First this communication reports an active learning experience about students who had to create Serious Games dedicated to teenagers. In the second time, this communication takes supports on the experience to highlight similarities between the PBL and Serious Games approaches.
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Pédagogie, Jeux vidéo, Pédagogie active, Apprentissage par Problème, Apprentissage par Projet, APP
This article explains the difference between a large variety of Serious Games and tries to propose a classification to understand this type of video games. We explore the connection between the goal of the game designer, the objective of the game and the posture of the player. Finally, we explore how we can create some serious game to make corporate communication or educative program.
Mots-clés : serious game
This paper is part of an experimental approach aimed to raise a video games classification. Being inspired by the methodology that Propp used for the classification of Russian fairy tales, we have cleared out recurrent diagrams within rules of video games, named "Game Bricks". The combinations of these different bricks will allow us to represent a classification, in accordance to their rules, of all the video games. In this article, we will study the real link between these bricks and
Mots-clés : Classification, Règles, Gameplay, Jeux vidéo
The aim of this article is first to present V.E.Ga.S., a tool which intend to classify video games, study their nature and to corroborate hypothesis by a pragmatic approach. It consists in studying a significant number of video games in order to index their composition of elementary “game bricks”. Basing our study on this bricks and crossing them, we try to classify and study video games. In a second time, this paper presents the classification deduced from the results of V.E.G
Mots-clés : Classification, Briques de gameplay, Gameplay, Game design, Jeux vidéo, Taxonomie, Méthode expérimentale, Morphologie
The aim of this article is to present a classification of video games deduced by a pragmatic approach. The methodology consisted in indexing a significant number of video games by taking account their elementary “game bricks”. At last all these combinations have been studied in a database called V.E.Ga.S. Accéder aux actes
Mots-clés : Classification, Briques de gameplay, Gameplay, Game, Play, Morphologie, Taxonomie
Cet article présente le projet d’extension du système d’apprentissage en ligne Sphinx à des capacités multimédias. Sphinx est actuellement utilisé par les étudiants de l’université Laval au Québec dans le cadre d’un cours d’intelligence artificielle. Ce système permet aux étudiants de réviser pendant le cursus universitaire et avant les examens. L’originalité de la m&eac
Mots-clés : pédagogie, Intelligence artificielle, Jeux vidéo, Avatar, Compagnon virtiel, Serious Game
The aim of this article is to present V.E.Ga.S tool, which intends to classify video games, study their nature and to corroborate hypothesis by a pragmatic approach. The approach has been inspired by the methodology of Vladimir Propp, who has classified Russian Tales at the time, as well as on the works and the "iterative" approach of the game designers Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman. The approach consists in studying a significant number of video games in order to index their composit
Mots-clés : Classification, Methodes, Gameplay, Game design, Jeux vidéo, Morphologie, Taxonomie, Briques
(C) 2004 l'infobourg tous droits réservés. juillet 2006Le jeu vidéo pour la mise en valeur des métierspar Olivier Rampnoux et Julian AlvarezValoriser des métiers en utilisant des jeux vidéo, voici le pari de Technocity, un jeu en ligne dont l’objectif est de sensibiliser les jeunes sur les possibilités de formation, et de mettre en perspective des choix d’orientation.NDLR
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Orientation, Apprentissage, Industrie
Que l’éducation nationale, les Nations Unies et Greenpeace par exemple utilisent des jeux vidéos pour faire passer un message et communiquer, cela révèle que cette forme de loisir numérique constitue une alternative crédible aux formes classiques de la communication. De plus si le message intègre une dimension éducative, au sens le plus global du terme, nous pensons que nous sommes face à un n
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Advertainment, Ludo-éducatif, Education, Innovation, Marketing, Réception