Pour qui ?Personnes souhaitant enrichir leurs palettes de connaissances et de compétences pour s’inscrire dans la vie active, améliorer leurs pratiques, évoluer au sein de leur écosystème ou se réorienter.Décideurs, chefs de projets, recruteursProfessionnels de santé, porteurs de projets, industriels, ingénieurs, ergonomes…Professionnels de l’enseignement/formation, formateurs, enseignants, chercheurs,
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Serious gaming, Gamification, Formation, Diplôme, Ludopédagogie
EDITO Créativité: enjeux pédagogiques & stratégiques des approches innovantesSi les professeurs ont toujours innové en classe, en cherchant à adapter contenu et contenant à leur personnalité et leur public, le numérique et les réseaux sociaux ont démultiplié la visibilité de ces actions. Au point de faire de ces nouvelles méthodes pédagogiques de véritables stratégies d
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Gamification, Ludopédagogie, Education, Apprentissage, Pédagogie, Jeu sérieux, Jeu vidéo
Serious games : découvrez le potentiel pédagogique des jeux vidéo grâce à ce cours en ligne – Pop culture – NumeramaLes « jeux sérieux », ou serious games, ont la cote : ils peuvent en effet servir de support pour améliorer l’apprentissage. Trois professeurs ont décidé de créer un cours en ligne pour que leurs collègues s’y mettent.Qui a dit que les jeux vidéo n’ont a
Mots-clés : Mooc, Serious Game, Enseignement
AbstractDigital multi-player learning games are believed to represent an important step forward in risk management training, especially related to human factors, where they are trusted to improve the performance of a team of learners in reducing serious adverse events, near-misses and crashes in complex socio-technical systems. Team situation awareness is one of the critical factors that can lead the team to consider the situation with an erroneous mental representation. Then, inadequate decisio
Mots-clés : Digital collaborative environment, Team situation awareness, Communication, Information, Decision Making, Learning game, Virtual environment, Socio-technical system
AbstractDigital multi-player learning games are believed to represent an important step forward in risk management training, especially related to human factors, where they are trusted to improve the performance of a team of learners in reducing serious adverse events, near-misses and crashes in complex socio-technical systems. Team situation awareness is one of the critical factors that can lead the team to consider the situation with an erroneous mental representation. Then, inadequate decisio
Mots-clés : Digital collaborative environment, Team situation awareness, Communication, Information, Decision Making, Learning game, Virtual environment, Socio-technical system
13 octobre 2016, une date importante dans l’univers du jeu : celle du lancement de la Playstation VR (Virtual Reality) pour la console de Sony. Quel potentiel pour le Serious Gaming ? C’est ce que nous avons alors souhaité tester, en commençant par la compilation « Playstation VR Worlds », en particulier le titre « Ocean Descent » qui nous invite à l’exploration des profondeurs océaniques…
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Réalité Virtuelle, Immersion, Apprentissage
Abstract—Serious games are developed with the purpose of bestowing a benefit on the user. That benefit could be related to the user’s health, education, safety or efficiency. We propose that the mechanism that the game employs to achieve such a benefit should be identified as the key to the development of a successful serious game. We introduce a paradigm for the design and development of serious games as benefit delivery systems. We suggest that the paradigm can apply to all applica
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Santé, Health game
Abstract—Serious games constitute actually a recent and attractive way supposed to replace the classical boring courses. However, the choice of the adapted serious game to a specific learning environment remains a challenging task that makes teachers unwilling to adopt this concept. To fill this gap, we present, in this paper, a multi-agent-based simulator allowing to predict the impact of a serious game integration in a learning environment given several game and players characteristics.
Mots-clés : Emotion, Learning process, Multi-agent simulation, Serious games
Abstract : How to create an interactive product that encourages high school students to get in contact with the world of chemistry. Or how to get high school students pay any attention to the discipline of chemistry through an interactive entertainment application that besides entertaining can teach some of the most basic concepts of the The science that can better explain the progress of humanity. In the following lines we will present the steps taken in the design an interactive entertain
Mots-clés : Jeu vidéo, Mécaniques de jeu, Design, Esthétique, Narratif, Chimie, Education, Ecole
In this paper, we propose an environment to support collaborative modding, as a new way to learn a subject. Modding can be defined as the activity to modify an existing game with dedicated tools. In a constructivist approach, we base our work on the assumption that modding a learning game can help learners to acquire the concepts of the subject concerned. We also think that modding in collaborative settings can help learners both to learn the subject and to learn to collaborate. We first propose
Mots-clés : Modding, Game development kits, Learning game 2.0, Collaborative learning