Serious games are growing rapidly as a gaming industry as well as a field of academic research. There are many surveys in the field of digital serious games; however, most surveys are specific to a particular area such as education or health. So far, there has been little work done to survey digital serious games in general, which is the main goal of this paper. Hence, we discuss relevant work on serious games in different application areas including education, well-being, advertisement, cultura
Human wellbeing, in a large component, relies on the harmony between the body and the mind. Unfortunately, we often miss or ignore important signals from our bodies, and sometimes this can negatively impact our health. Therefore, the use of intelligent systems that grasp such signals and convey them in an intuitive manner to our minds can result in great health benefits. In this Thesis, we introduce a family of multimedia technologies and techniques aimed at realizing such systems. We call them:
This paper describes the development currently being conducted into serious games which pursue some form of benefit in the field of health care. Although serious games are associated with software developments, developing them in the area of health care involves studying the associated multimedia technology and paying attention to aspects related to interaction with the game. Serious games for health cover matters related to education and medical treatment, rehabilitation and psychological treat
Mots-clés : Games, Computers, Educational institutions, Mixers, Medical treatment
Résumé : Serious games en médecine et santé (SeGaMed 2013) : S'approprier le jeu sérieux "santé" : points sémantiques, définitions et aspects psycho-cognitifsLes auteurs n’ont pas transmis de conflit d’intérêt concernant les données diffusées dans cette vidéo ou publiées dans la référence citée. Conférence enregistrée dans le cadre de la 2
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Santé, Health game
SeGaMed 2013 : Sept 12-14 Nice, FRAppel à communications - Call for proposalsUne édition 2013 qui innove ... Après le succès de l'édition 2012, la Faculté de Médecine de Nice accueille pour la deuxième fois le colloque international SeGaMed consacré à l'étude des jeux sérieux appliqués à la médecine et à la santé.Cette année, deux innovations majeu
Mots-clés : Serious game, santé, Health game
Les étudiants du Master 2 Ingénierie Pédagogique Multimédia (IPM) de l'université de Lille 1 ont produit un ensemble d'exposés en ligne dans le domaine du jeu vidéo et du Serious Game. De véritables documents pédagogiques pour découvrir des consoles ou ordinateurs mythiques, des genres souvent méconnus ou bien encore des personnalités qui font l'histoire de ces industries vidéoludiques.
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Jeu vidéo, Exposés, Console, Genre, Game Designer
The development of multiple web applications with features of video games gave way to a new trend called Gamification. However, there isn't a clear explanation that allows the connection of the elements of the game applications with non-game features, mainly in traditional highly regulated financial sector. The aim of this study is to investigate the acceptance of a business application Gamified in e-banking. Based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the results from an online survey of 18
Mots-clés : Gamification, Game
There is not a lot of data available yet in which way Serious Games are integrated in medical education. A lot of different opinions and concepts are discussed concerning in which way Serious Games can be effectively integrated in the medical curriculum. In this article we developed criteria for the implementation of Serious Games for Health in the medical education. 29 Serious Games for Health were tested to their applicability for undergraduate medical education. Six games seem to be suitable
Mots-clés : Medical games, Medical education, Health game, Health, Santé
Abstract:We propose the Architecture for Representations, Games, Interactions, and Learning among Experts (ARGILE) for participatory and knowledge - intensive serious games. Faced with the problem of training in the areas of advanced expertise and practices, reference knowledge is neither stabilized nor unanimous, but rather dynamic and continuously evolving. Moreover, the expert does not make decisions based on pre-established recipes, but it is brought to trial and error, to discuss with peers
Mots-clés : Games, Entertainment, Ordinateurs, Architecture informatique, Discussion forums, Communautés, Knowledge engineering
Abstract Nowadays, traveling is becoming increasingly easier. New and cheaper means of communication make tourism available for a larger number of people. Withal, smartphones are trending and they are replacing the common cellphone at a fast rate. It’s safe to assume that, in a near future, every single person will be able to afford a mobile device of this kind, including tourists. Many applications exist for mobile devices, specifically for smartphones, in order to help tourists in t
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Tourisme