Summary Digital Serious Games (SGs) are gaining increasing importance as educational and training tools. However, there is still a long way to make them widely deployed. On the one hand, balancing fun and educational elements in a SG is not trivial and requires understanding how these games can be designed to support effective and efficient learning. On the other hand, actual development can be costly and time-consuming, involving large teams of people from different backgrounds, who often
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Learning
Abstract During this project a serious game was created, which included a pedagogical agent to teach middle schoolers about art concepts. The game is used to test if the option to customise the agent would have an effect on fun, knowledge gain, and how the player rated the agent. This game consists of five mini games and a character creator. The mini games each focused on teaching a specific art concept; perspective, image cropping, composition, genre, and colour blending. The player can cu
Mots-clés : Serious Game
«Ça fait plus de 20 ans que le First person shooter (FPS) existe et on arrive encore à faire évoluer le genre», se réjouit Damien Djaouti, enseignant chercheur en informatique spécialisé sur les jeux vidéos. Les premiers titres à succès du genre,Wolfenstein 3D en 1992 ou Doom en 1993, sont devenus des références toujours émulées aujourd’hui. En témoignent l
Une sorte de paradoxe est en train de s’affirmer à travers la littérature scientifique dédiée aux domaines ludiques ou en rapport avec le jeu. Le nombre de travaux uniquement consacrés aux jeux numériques occulte petit à petit les travaux dédiés aux jeux traditionnels, alors qu’il existe toujours des liens puissants entre jeux traditionnels et jeux vidéo. Un éclairage réciproque devrait nous inciter &
Mots-clés : Jeu vidéo, jeu de société, Serious games, jouabilité, Pratiques ludiques, e-sport
Objective: Serious games are becoming popular in various healthcare domains. However, they should be designed to cater toward learners' perspectives, needs, and specifications in order to be used to their full potential in education. This study investigated the gaming experiences, motivations, and preferences of pharmacy students.Materials and Methods: An anonymous self-administered survey obtained participant demographics, gaming experiences (enjoyment level of different game genres,
The main research question addressed in this thesis is how the choice of game type influences the success of digital educational games (DEG), where success is defined as significant knowledge gain in combination with positive player experience. Games differ in type if they differ at least by one game feature. As a first step we identified a comprehensive set of unique game features, summarised in the Game Elements-Attributes Model (GEAM), where elements are the defining components that all game
Mots-clés : digital educational games (DEG), Game Elements-Attributes Model (GEAM), Jeux vidéo, Classification
Résumé : The article is dedicated to trending topic on gamifi cation of education. Nowadays video games and game technologies are important parts of modern educational technologies. The aim of the study is to develop mechanism for determining the possibility of using video game mechanics in gamifi cation. The authors described the classifi cation of video games and game mechanics based on literature review of English and Russian authors. The new evaluation method based on the
Mots-clés : Gamification, Education, Genre jeu vidéo, Classification, Mécanique de jeux, Gameplay, Méthode d'évaluation, Etat de Flow
Abstract:The video-games market has become an established and ever-growing global industry. The health of the video and computer games industry, together with the variety of genres and technologies available, mean that videogame concepts and programmes are being applied in numerous different disciplines. One of these is the field known as serious games. The main goal of this article is to collect all the relevant articles published during the last decade and create a trend analysis about the use
Mots-clés : Games, Artificial intelligence, Decision making, Market research, Algorithm design and analysis, Decision trees, Industries
The existing common video game genres lack clarity as well as consistency and thus cannot serve as a solid reference to inform the research on digital educational games (DEG), which are increasingly used as learning tools. To address this basic issue of game classification, we have developed a web-based survey to collect data on how people play and perceive video games that they know well. The survey is grounded in our Game Elements-Attributes Model (GEAM). 321 valid responses were analysed usin
Mots-clés : digital educational games (DEG), Jeux numériques éducatifs, Jeux éducatifs, Genre, Jeux vidéo, Apprentissage, Classification, Education
Depuis maintenant plusieurs décennies, dans le domaine des transports terrestres, les simulateurs de conduite ont vu leur développement et leur utilisation se démocratiser. Ces simulateurs peuvent se décliner sous plusieurs configurations allant des plus complexes comme les simulateurs dynamiques 6-axes équipés d’écran semi cylindrique (1) aux plus simples comme les simulateurs de table équipés d’un seul écran et d