Our research into the enterprise gamification domain was designed to investigate the different objectives, purposes, target audiences, game design patterns and technology used in gamified implementations. We found that a formal classification system was not only absent, but that it was essential to provide a baseline for developing and comparing gamification design strategies. To this purpose we identified 304 publicly available case studies of organizations that self-identified as having undert
Mots-clés : Taxonomy, Gamification, Enterprise systems, Classification, Design, Information systems, Strategic management, Serious games
Cette présentation a pour but d'exposer le concepts de Serious gaming et les deux sous-catégories : serious diverting et serious modding. Des exemples concrets viennent illustrer les différentes approches. Regarder vidéo GameDev Days 2015 Program: http://gamedev.ee/REGISTRATION AND COFFEE09:00 - 10:0009:15 - 10:00VLADIMIR FUNTIKOV (CREATIVE MOBILE)Opening speech10:00 - 10:30 KATRIN SAKS (BALTIC FILM AND MEDIA SCHOOL)Opening speech10:00 - 10:
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Serious Gaming, Serious Diverting, Serious Modding
Si vous aimez lire et que vous vous intéressez au jeu vidéo, alors Ludoscience vous propose une grande liste de livres sur le jeu vidéo. Elle référence plus de 150 livres qui traitent de sujets divers : histoire du jeu vidéo, biographies de créateurs célèbres, Game Design, Serious Games, études et analyses... Chaque livre est présenté par un petit résumé personnel, car avant de rajoute
Mots-clés : bibliographie, jeu video, livres
ABSTRACT Fields within education and training have been exploring the use of educational computer-based games, often referred to as serious games (SG), in multiple disciplines of academic research including the affective, cognitive, and psychomotor domains. Traditionally, game designers tend to represent a different viewpoint about learning than instructional designers, or even teachers. More so, one of the fundamental roles designers play in making decisions is based on multiple factors, w
Mots-clés : Serious games, Instructional levels, Epistemology
Sous la direction de Jonathan Lessard et Carl Therrien, la revue Sciences du jeu lance un appel à textes pour un numéro spécial dédié à la thématique : Evolution des jeux : catalyseurs, mécanismes et agentsCertains joueurs passent leur vie à s’adonner aux mêmes jeux, approfondissant leur connaissance de ces systèmes, développant de nouvelles stratégies et augmentant leur maîtrise te
Mots-clés : revue scientifique, appel à communication, science du jeu
Innovation and creativity seem to be mere buzzwords, but the quest for innovation and creativity by game companies is very real. This Ph.D. dissertation suggests adopting a new perspective on these concepts by abandoning a managerial attitude and favoring a design approach. The design process of video games is under-studied, and this research aims to create a model of video game design activity, using the already existing literature in the field of design, and the observation of actual game desi
Mots-clés : Innovation, Industrie vidéoludique, Design, Designers
Abstract —Since 2002, serious games have received much attention from industry, government and the research community. However, the large number of definitions available still present limitations in terms of contexts and games classification. Indeed, these definitions exclude certain types of games and do not cover certain contexts where serious games could be deployed. Therefore this paper introduces a shift in the interpretation of serious games, allowing a more flexible definition
Abstract The use of tablet computers have increased significantly in numerous parts of society during recent years, and the educational sector is no exception. Use of games in educational situations has intrigued scholars of different disciplines, presenting both favouring and opposing opinions. Whilst the educational effectiveness of the game media is discussed, research done in the area of cognitive development, psychology and pedagogy argue for the importance of play and the positive eff
Mots-clés : Game design, Educational games for children, Playfulness, Educational games in Sweden
Comme son titre l'indique, The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers est un documentaire sur les développeurs japonais de jeu vidéo. A la base, le journaliste John Szczepaniak est parti au Japon pour écrire un livre sur le sujet, dont l'écriture est toujours en cours. Il a profité de ce voyage pour filmer ses interviews et péripéties, qui ont donnée naissance à un documentaire d'environ 4 heures, disponible en DVD :
Mots-clés : japon, histoire, documentaire
ABSTRACT This thesis addresses the problems of the development of serious games, focusing particularly on bridging the gap between of two separate communities: developers and domain experts, that is, educators. Nowadays, students are used to “consume” a large number of games for different purposes (mainly for leisure), and they are expecting a certain quality level in the games (e.g. media assets, story, effects, etc.) and affecting the attitude of playing the game if it does no
Mots-clés : Educational video games, Serious games, Game design, Human-Computer interaction, Game engine