AbstractA Game Based Learning System (GBLS) constitutes an interesting learning environment. However, many problems are facing the general adoption of learning approaches based on this system. For instance, complexity of GBLS design process and problems of integrating learning outcomes with fun aspects constitute the major challenges. Therefore, novice game designer have not only to acquire specific skills and expertise but also to acquire them in an efficient and active pedagogical manner. For
Mots-clés : GBLS, Gameplay, Automatic knowledge extraction, Ontology learning
RésuméLes Serious Games (SGs) sont des dispositifs de formation de plus en plus utilisés dans les différents secteurs de l’éducation initiale et continue. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, notre objectif est de concevoir, d’abord, et développer, ensuite, un SG pour la formation et l’évaluation des personnels travaillant en environnement aseptique. Nous présenterons dans ce travail de recherche les approches théor
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Serious Game Design, Instructional Design, Simulation, Apprentissage par l'action, Gamification, Analyse des compétences, Conflit instrumental
Development of a game in the form of software for game-based learning poses significant technical challenges for educators, researchers, game designers, and software engineers. The game development consists of a set of complex processes requiring multi-faceted knowledge in multiple disciplines such as digital graphic design, education, gaming, instructional design, modeling and simulation, psychology, software engineering, visual arts, and the learning subject area. Planning and managing such a
Mots-clés : Digital game development, Educational game development, Game development life cycle, Game development methodology, Game development processes, Game development workflows, Game software quality evaluation, Game-based learning
Abstract Gameplay is commonly considered to be a voluntary activity. Game designers generally believe that voluntary gameplay is essentially different from mandatory gameplay. Such a belief may be a challenge for serious games, as instruction is usually mandatory. The article describes the outcomes of two experiments on the impact of voluntariness on the learning effect and enjoyment of a serious game. In the first experiment freedom of choosing to play a serious game was studied, with part
Mots-clés : Serious games, Learning effect, Enjoyment, Mandatory play
AbstractVoluntariness is an important feature of games. Serious game designers intend to generate engaging gameplay, which implies that voluntary play should be equally important for serious games as for entertainment games. This paper describes the outcome of a study on the impact of voluntariness on learning in a serious game. The results of 19 participants, randomly assigned to voluntary and mandatory gameplay, are analyzed to identify possible differences. The findings of this study suggest
Mots-clés : Serious games, Effectiveness, Learning effect, Freedom of choice
AbstractThis article summarises our Ph.D. thesis – an analytical view on the player-game relationship through the lens of an action-oriented framework, centred on fundamental entities defined as actors, entities through which action is enacted in the game and of which the player and the game system are a part of. With this in mind, the grounding principles of this framework are seeded in a transition of action into experience, based on communicational systems that structure the dynamic for
Mots-clés : Action, chronologie, Design, transcodage, Jeux vidéo
Grounded on a perspective in which action is a defining trait in video games, this work proposes the development of an action-oriented framework focused on the analysis of the relationships between the player and the game system centred on the existence of actors, which we define as entities responsible for the actions that affect the game – a category in which the player and the game system are included. We describe the grounding principles of this framework as focused on a transformation
Mots-clés : Action, chronologie, Jeux vidéo, transcodage, Design, Réflexion et action, Transversal, Réactivité
RésuméCette thèse propose des modèles, méthodes et outils destinés aux game designers de jeux thérapeutiques. Le problème de conception le plus fondamental des jeux thérapeutiques est le gameplay, c'est-à-dire des objectifs de jeu et des actions que le joueur doit effectuer pour atteindre ces objectifs. Dans un jeu thérapeutique, le gameplay doit à la fois produire l'effet thérapeutique et motiver le patie
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Gameplay, Health game, Santé, jeux thérapeutiques
Frédéric Markus, nouveau dirigeant du studio Féérik Games (OhMyDollz, Eredan...), a un CV des plus prestigieux. En vingt ans de carrière, il a bossé chez Ubisoft, RockStar, Disney, LucasArts, Epic Games... et a également fait partie de la "dream team" des développeurs choisis par Nintendo pour le lancement de la Nintendo 64. Dans la vidéo ci-dessous, il nous explique la "méthode Nintendo" en matière
Mots-clés : conférence, game design, nintendo, gameplay, prototype, frederic markus
ABSTRACT Fields within education and training have been exploring the use of educational computer-based games, often referred to as serious games (SG), in multiple disciplines of academic research including the affective, cognitive, and psychomotor domains. Traditionally, game designers tend to represent a different viewpoint about learning than instructional designers, or even teachers. More so, one of the fundamental roles designers play in making decisions is based on multiple factors, w
Mots-clés : Serious games, Instructional levels, Epistemology