Cette communication, de nature hypothético déductive, propose de fournir en premier lieu un état de l’art des jeux détournés à des fins éducatives et de santé, puis de définir les concepts de Serious Diverting et de Serious Modding pour introduire une typologie de jeux détournés à des fins utilitaires. Ces éléments abordés, nous interrogerons l’appropriation de ce
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Serious Gaming, Jeux vidéo, Santé, Education, Health game, Edugame, Appropriation
Development of a game in the form of software for game-based learning poses significant technical challenges for educators, researchers, game designers, and software engineers. The game development consists of a set of complex processes requiring multi-faceted knowledge in multiple disciplines such as digital graphic design, education, gaming, instructional design, modeling and simulation, psychology, software engineering, visual arts, and the learning subject area. Planning and managing such a
Mots-clés : Digital game development, Educational game development, Game development life cycle, Game development methodology, Game development processes, Game development workflows, Game software quality evaluation, Game-based learning
AbstractEntrepreneurship constitutes a key driver providing jobs and wealth creation. Besides, promoting entrepreneurship can play significant role to ensure the prosperity of a society. In this respect our article aims to foster entrepreneurship education, through focusing on the effectiveness of serious games as educational tools, whose goal supporting young people to actively being entrepreneurs. In this paper, we unveil the entrepreneurial context notably at the national level, where we high
Mots-clés : Entrepreneurial learning, Learning process, Serious games, Entrepreneurship education
This technical paper details the development of a board game designed to help technical communication students understand scrum-based agile project management, as well as assist practitioners in introducing scrum management to a team unfamiliar with the process. I ground the development and design of the game with a literature review of scholarship on agile project management, games in education and business, and collaboration. I present my methodology in the form of a game design document (GDD)
Mots-clés : Board game, Design, Scrum, Education, Méthodologie, Game Design
The overlap of different features of pervasive games based smart learning systems (PGBSLSs) including the ludic aspect, the pervasive aspect and the educational aspect adds complexity to use requirements at design time and Runtime. Many methodologies and frameworks that make use of requirements models can be found in the literature, but very few of them use ontologies to ground the models that are used in PGBSLSs development. We propose in this paper a semantic model in the requirements engineer
Mots-clés : Pervasive games, Smart Learning, Requirements Engineering, Ontology
Serious games (SG) are computer-and video games with a primary focus other than entertainment. This is, they are made to educate, teach, inform and promote ideas. The current research focused on SGs' success factors and their emergence in SGs published in Finland in 2015. The research approach was qualitative and the research method was theory-based content analysis. First, the concepts of SG, SG design methodology and learning were discussed based on existing knowledge. Success factor related k
Mots-clés : Serious game, Success factor, Gaming experience, Content implementation, Implementation process, Analysis framework
L'utilisation des techniques du jeu vidéo dans un but d'information ou de formation Jeux sérieux SommaireDéfinitionsPourquoi jouer sérieusement ?Trouver des études sur les jeux sérieuxTrouver des jeux sérieux à la BnFA la croisée des jeux et de l'utilitaireRepérer des événements sur les jeux sérieuxTrouver des sites sur les jeux sérieuxA vous de jouer !Ca s'est passé à
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Serious Gaming, Jeux vidéo, Jeu sérieux, Bibliothèque
AbstractDesigning serious games is a complex process because finding the right balance between the ‘serious' and the ‘game' dimensions is vital, as pointed out in some meta-analyses (Wouters, et al. 2013). If educational content prevails over the entertainment element, users' motivation may decrease and this can have a negative impact on the effectiveness of learning. On the other hand, if entertainment predominates over content, this can also limit learning opportunities. Another ma
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Design, Education, Jeux numériques, Models
ABSTRACT Open linked data technologies pave the way towards the semantic Web of the future by a) exploiting the abundance in data availability, b) enhancing the continuing application developments in the Web and computer technologies, c) increasing the availability of game engines towards an expansion of techniques and d) bridging culture and education with gaming. In this context, we introduce an innovative and content-dynamic web-based virtual museum, which relies and exploits the rich c
Mots-clés : Virtual museum, Virtual exhibition, Gamification, Interactive cultural exhibition, Open link data
Selon la Commission générale de terminologie et de néologie, le Serious Game (Jeux sérieux, en français) est une application informatique utilisant les techniques et les ressorts ludiques du jeu vidéo à des fins d’enseignement, de formation, de perfectionnement professionnel et de communication ou d’information (2010).Selon le journal numérique buzz e-santé, en 2014, la valeur du marché mondiale de la simulati
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Santé, Health game, e-santé