RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is to present the phenomenon of gamification and to analyse the benefits connected with the introduction of the education methods and tools based on gamification systems. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The article provides examples of universities in which gamification courses (based on gamification systems) were introduced as part of their teaching programmes. Next, it identifies and analyses benefits resulting from the implementation of this
Mots-clés : Education, Game, Gamification, Initiative
Introduction au numéro spécial « Évaluation dans les jeux sérieux » Editorial Pierre-André CARON (Université Lille 1, CIREL), Sébastien GEORGE (Université du Maine, LIUM), Julian ALVAREZ (Université Lille 1, CIREL) 1. Introduction et contexte du numéro spécialDepuis 2002, les jeux sérieux suscitent un engouement croissant par les
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Jeux Sérieux, Evaluation
La ludopédagogie c'est l'idée d'utiliser le jeu pour former. Mais, est-il possible d'évaluer sa ludopédagogie ? Voici une proposition de modèle, qui s’appuie notamment sur les travaux initiaux de Freitas et Oliver (2006). De manière synthétique, le tableau suivant résume le modèle évaluatif CEPAJe que nous proposons : Ce modèle est une grille à double ent
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Ludo-éducatif, Ludopédagogie, Evaluation, Jeu Sérieux, Education, Formation, Analyse
Abstract Serious games and gamification are emerging in many areas of society. In addition to an effective way of entertainment, games can be adopted as a persuading tool to guide person to achieve specific goal, citing their ultimate attraction. In this paper, we are interested in the mechanism and application of gamification in the field of academic education. Games feature a potential to promote students to learn in a spontaneous and effective manner, since the challenge and fun in games
Mots-clés : Academic education, Gamification, Digital circuit course, Serious games
This review examines the literature on Serious Games used as learning tools for people with intellectual disabilities. Although intellectual disabilities are a very broad field where each individual has very specific characteristics, it would be beneficial to have general evidence-based recommendations about how to design videogames adapted to their cognitive requirements. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to identify and review the available literature on Serious Games for intellectual disabil
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Intellectual disabilities, Videogames, Health game
Serious games are growing more and more in the context of lifelong training and initial education. They cover several areas (human science, engineering science, life science, ...) that are used for industrial or academic purposes. However, some fields induce specific issues. Thus, in th
Mots-clés : Serious Games, Formatting, Virtual Reality, Interaction
Abstract: Serious games are part of the new emerging world of education environment that is based on sophisticated technology with elements of entertainment. They have been seen as good supplements for supporting the learning processes due to their capability to increase visualisations and challenge the student creativity. They have the potential to significantly improve training and education activities and initiatives. As a part of serious computer games, business simulation games support
Mots-clés : Serious Games, Business Simulation Games, e-learning, Problem-Based Learning, Education
Serious Games are becoming increasingly popular. In all domains they are used to transfer content to players by mixing learning with pleasure in order to make teaching more easy and fun. However many of them are designed in an ad-hoc way without structure. Several research efforts have been conducted to tackle this deficiency and to improve the design of these games. Despite the vast literature, the domain is still in its infancy and scattered. Serious games offer great opportunities for le
Mots-clés : Serious games, Educational Business Game, Educational Game Design Framework, Educational Game Design Checklist, Game evaluation
Intervention de Jean-Christophe Duflanc lors du salon virtuel de l’OnisepUtiliser les serious games dans les apprentissages - 7 octobre 2015 - Canopé Lien vers la vidéo de la présentation Lien vers la présentation PPT
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Education
The existing common video game genres lack clarity as well as consistency and thus cannot serve as a solid reference to inform the research on digital educational games (DEG), which are increasingly used as learning tools. To address this basic issue of game classification, we have developed a web-based survey to collect data on how people play and perceive video games that they know well. The survey is grounded in our Game Elements-Attributes Model (GEAM). 321 valid responses were analysed usin
Mots-clés : digital educational games (DEG), Jeux numériques éducatifs, Jeux éducatifs, Genre, Jeux vidéo, Apprentissage, Classification, Education