ISSN-L (papier) : 1622-1494 · ISSN (électronique) : 2111-434XArticle pp.213-248 du Vol.17 n°1-2 (2021) TitleEvolution and influences of the key-words “gameplay”, “ludic” and “fun” in the writings produced by English-speaking and French-speaking journalist’s communities related to video games between 1977 and 2019 AbstractThis paper aims to study whether the community of English-speaking journalist
Vol 6 - Issue 1 By proposing to study both the genesis and the actuality, but also the implementation and the reception of digital games in the educational worlds, this thematic file aims at enriching the reflection in two fields of research, that of the "educations to" and that of a digital (or informational) culture. See the special issue:
Keywords : Serious games, Video games, Ludopedagogy, Game based learning
Edutainment is the idea of using games, or even serious games, to mediate learning. It's about going beyond games as simple rewards or extrinsic motivational levers: “if you do your exercise well, you'll be able to play”. With edutainment, games are used as a tool or resource for learning. For example, it can be used to provide concrete representations of experiences, to test hypotheses, to stimulate pedagogical interaction between learners or with those proposing the activity...With
Keywords : Game based learning, Edutainement, Serious game, Editorial, Games
Conference designed to explain how Serious Games and video games can convey oriented messages in a conscious or non-conscious way.After having participants play a few Serious Games, the idea is to take a theoretical and critical look at the messages conveyed by the titles on offer. The notion of a Serious Game is then explained, followed by the messages conveyed by video games dedicated to the entertainment sector. This approach provides an opportunity to reflect on the issues associated with th
Keywords : Message, Culture, Video game, Serious game, Market, Community, Editors
A round-table discussion aimed at presenting a panorama of the different communities that exist around video games. This overview shows the diversity of players involved in collecting, deconstructing, tinkering, cataloguing, hacking, paying homage, passing on... The possibilities are endless. Finally, we present some of the institutions that also represent the video game industry.
Keywords : Cosplay, Video game, Maker, Retrogaming, Research, Communities, Institutions, Gamer
These days, we're seeing an increase in references to the culture of games and video games. It's in this context that we find the phenomenon of gamification. But is it aimed exclusively at gaming enthusiasts, or is it open to all? To find out, let's play! The rules are simple: take a look at Camille's day below. Each time you come across the symbols * @ & #, ask yourself if the sentence matches you. If so, count the symbol in question. Early in the morning, the clock radio plays 8-bit mu
Keywords : Serious game, Game, Gamification
In this new episode, Dr. Ludus explores the concept of the "video toy", as described by researcher Stéphane Natkin in 2003 in his book "Video Games and Media in the 21st Century". How does the concept of "video toy" differ from that of "video game"?That's what Machine and Dr. Ludus explain in this new episode. Find out more about the concept of a video toy: (pp
Keywords : Toy, Video toy
Cette vidéo explore l'effet-V de Bertolt Brecht appliqué au jeu vidéo. Cette approche est évoquée en page 86 dans l'ouvrage "Apprendre avec les Serious Games ?" de Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti et Olivier Rampnoux paru en 2016 : illustrer le concept d'effet V appliqué au jeu vidéo, cet épisode aborde l'approche du Game Designer japonais Hideo Kojima via son jeu Metal Gear Solid paru en
Keywords : V-Effect, Distancing, Video game
In this second part dedicated to the prehistory of video games, Dr. Ludus takes us to discover the very first ancestors of video games... This exploration is based on the book “La Préhistoire du jeu vidéo” by Damien Djaouti, published in 2019.
Keywords : Video games, Retrogaming
This video explores the prehistory of video games. It's about discovering that period before 1972, when the general public wasn't yet familiar with video games. This exploration is based on the book “La Préhistoire du jeu vidéo” by Damien Djaouti, published in 2019.
Keywords : Retrogaming, Video games