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Keywords : serious game, marketing
Help the mayor of Hutnet Island to save is Island from the sunshine. In this Serious Game the player is invited to think about the paper sheet consommation. Publications related to this project Julian Alvarez, Valérie Maffiolo "Etude de l'impact de communications électroniques basées sur le Serious game - 2ème approche" SEE / Revue REE, ISSN 1265-6534, n°4, 2011, p. 75, 2011. Site de la revue
Keywords : serious game, ecology
Mind'Up (Our projects)
Serious Game dedicated to learn telecom aspect. Publications related to this project Julian Alvarez, Valérie Maffiolo "Etude de l'impact de communications électroniques basées sur le Serious game - 2ème approche" SEE / Revue REE, ISSN 1265-6534, n°4, 2011, p. 75, 2011. Site de la revue
Keywords : serious game, communication
Flee the Skip is a multiplayer Serious Game. You need 4 users to play. The game improves your solidarity by stressing you by this way: be able to escape from the skip in 20 minutes. But all the players must flee away. If one of you is left, the game is over. The players control mobile phones. Publications related to this project Julian Alvarez, Valérie Maffiolo "Etude de l'impact de communications électroniques basées sur le Serious game
Keywords : serious game, co-operation
Le jeu sérieux : un nouvel horizon pour l'Ecole ? Entretien avec Julian Alvarez Par François JarraudDe temps en temps, une thèse déplace la réflexion habituelle sur l'Ecole et lui ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre. C'est le cas de la recherche de Julian Alvarez sur le "jeu sérieux" (serious game). Elevé lui-même dans 3 systèmes éducatifs différents, il a retenu de son éducation suédoise l'id&e
Keywords : teaching, serious game
The vocation of a Serious Game is to invite the user to interact with a computer application whose intention is to combine aspects of teaching, learning, communication or information with the playfulness of video games. The aim of such a combination is to give didactic or training content (Serious) an attractive form or setting (Game).
Keywords : Serious game, Definition
A tiny (80 pages) scientific book gathering 8 contributions from researchers who are studying Serious Games for education.
Keywords : serious games, education, scientific research