The point, in 2009, on the " serious games" : objectives of these plays, technology used, graphics, limits, of the examples of plays (p. 54 - 55).
Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Play
A ning dedicated for people with an interest in serious games
Keywords : Ning, Serious Games
A french article about Serious Games and questions about learning...
Keywords : Serious Games, Learning
Animation of the Serious Game's workshop dedicated to : "Corporate" in the context of e-virtuoses (November 2009).
Keywords : Serious Games, Corporate, Animation
Presentation of a study conducted from June 9, 2008 to September 8, 2009 at Orange Labs / France Telecom.The aim is to assess the impact of Serious Games (SG) on the general public and on France Telecom Group employees. The overall approach is written within the framework of customer relations (CR). The main challenges are to - help optimize customer relations management - To address new customers with a disruptive interaction. The study concerns 121 people who were subjected to a
Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Play, Impact, Message
ROUND TABLE ORGANIZED BY CAFE PEDAGOGIQUEWhile serious games have made inroads into vocational training in France and schools elsewhere, they are still struggling to make inroads into French schools. What's the state of play in France? In which disciplines is it effective? What resistance is there? How can teachers reuse corporate experience?Moderator:François Jarraud, editor-in-chief, Café pédagogiqueSpeakers:Julien LLanas, history and geography teacher,Damian Nolan, CEO of
Keywords : Serious Games, Pedagogy
This PPT presents Serious Game, Rétro Serious Game, Serious Play and Serious Gaming concepts and learning questions.
Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Play, Retro Serious Games, Serious Gaming, Learning
A talk about defintions of Serious Games, Serious Play, Simulation, Retro Serious Games in order to debate around the game and Pedagogy. PPT of this talk.
Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Gaming, Retro Serious Games, Pedagogy, Simulation, Retro SG, Retro Serious Games, Serious Play
Keywords : serious game, flight security
A french radio, France Culture, had organised November the 13th 2009 a half hour debate around Serious Games and Political Games.
Keywords : Serious Games, Political Games