Within the framework of this paper, our project is to propose an exploratory analysis of a corpus of Serious Games that talk about food, or Serious Games developed by food brands. Indeed, there is a great deal of heterogeneity and diversity, as brands and communications agencies mobilize all their creativity to reach their targets. In our view, these methods represent an innovation in marketing strategies aimed at young audiences, although we currently have no way of assessing their impact and e
Keywords : serious game, fun food
Video games have teaching virtues. The companies have discovered it and have adopted them for their formations. Here the turn of school. Some pioneers introduce them into their classes (p.59).
Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Play, School, Pedagogy
Depuis quelques années, le concept de « Serious Game » est de plus en plus présent dans tous les évènements liés au e-learning. Mais est-il réellement nouveau ? Où se trouve la limite entre Jeu Vidéo et Serious Game ? Comment un jeu vidéo peut-il remplir des objectifs pédagogiques ? Autant de questions auxquelles répond Julian Alvarez.
Keywords : Serious Games, Retro Serious Games, Serious Play, Pedagogy
Fini le temps où il fallait tuer des méchants ou conduire plus vite que les autres. La nouvelle génération de jeux en ligne apprend à vivre sans pétrole, sans OGM ou à réduire sa facture d’électricité. Plongée dans le « serious gaming ».
Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Play, Green games, Ecology
Talk about Serious Game dedicated to higher education Program : http://universite-vivaldi.blogspot.com/ Post about the talk : http://bit.ly/bx0rhU
Keywords : Serious Games, Education, Pedagogy
You're cast as the CEO of a drug compagny during the H1N1 crisis. Will cross the ethical line to earn more money?
Keywords : serious game, newsgame, H1H1
A serious game about the daily horror faced by the survivor of the earthquake that hit Haiti. You play as a victim who must try to survive, and ideally leave the city. Be careful, this games contains shocking images.
Keywords : serious game, newsgame, haiti
Open (Student project)
A serious game related to the French scandal of Orange's employees commiting suicides. This cynical management game cast you as the CEO of a company. You must earn money by reducing your staff wages, without being featured in the news.
Keywords : serious game, newsgame, orange