A journal article published in "La Dépèche du Midi" which presents the Serious Games EcoReporter : à la découverte d'Andromède and Le Jardinier Ecolo, designed by Damien Djaouti for his PhD thesis.
Keywords : serious game, ecology
A journal article published in "ToulEco" which presents the Serious Games EcoReporter : à la découverte d'Andromède and Le Jardinier Ecolo, designed by Damien Djaouti for his PhD thesis.
Keywords : serious game, ecology
Serious games have become a key segment in the games market as well as in academic research. Although the number of games that identify themselves as belonging to this category as well as the research done on their effects has been rapidly growing, there has thus far been no attempt to define all of the various opportunities that digital games provide for learning. To address this issue we look at existing definitions of serious games and their potential for learning. We identify the shortcoming
Keywords : Serious game, Learning
A book about Serious Games, written by the two heads of a company who is one of the french leader in this area, KTM Advance. This book offers a captivating real-life feedback from people working in the Serious Games industry, and who share with us some cases studies and detail the design methodology they use in their company. A rare and very interesting testimony that should be more than relevant for anyone working professionally on Serious Games.
Keywords : serious game, entreprise, ktm advance, design methodology
An interview in the news bulletin program of the webtv "CT2E" which presents the Serious Games EcoReporter : à la découverte d'Andromède and Le Jardinier Ecolo, designed by Damien Djaouti for his PhD thesis.
Keywords : serious game, ecology, tv
A journal article published in "20 Minutes" which presents the Serious Games EcoReporter : à la découverte d'Andromède and Le Jardinier Ecolo, designed by Damien Djaouti for his PhD thesis.
Keywords : serious games, ecology
Serious games: behind this oxymore a business hides which goes up in power since the middle of the years 2000. Formation, drive, publicity… The companies obtain new tools directly inspired from video games. Analyzes of the market (p. 86 to 91).
Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Play, Market
A journal article presenting many good ideas in the education businnes, including Serious Games.
Keywords : serious game, education, businness
Il y a seulement deux ans, ils n'étaient qu'une poignée en France à s'y intéresser. Aujourd'hui, le serious game, le jeu vidéo "sérieux", semble devenir un outil incontournable de communication et de formation. 20 millions d'euros ont été débloqués par le gouvernement pour aider 48 projets. To read the post
Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Play, Video game
Les serious games sont encore largement inconnus : 74% des personnes interrogées par le cabinet Vento déclarent à ce jour ne connaître aucune entreprise en proposant. Et pourtant les grands groupes manifestent un intérêt croissant pour cet outil ludique, de communication, de formation ou de recrutement. L'Oréal présélectionnera cette année un tiers de ses stagiaires via le jeu Reveal, quand Renault ou la Sociét&eacut
Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Play