Abstract The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether it is possible for a teacher (as a non-game developer) to create educational computer games that could be considered fun‟ to play. The influences of game genre and graphical fidelity on this process are also investigated, along with the practicalities and barriers that constrain the (mainstream) use of computer games within the education system.A literature review was conducted into the motivations for using educational games,
Keywords : Video games, Educational games
AbstractThe recent shift in healthcare delivery from that of the hospital to the community calls for skilled community health nurses. The role and practice of community health nurses differs from that of a nurse clinician. Unlike the skills required for that of a nurse clinician, much of the skills required for community health nursing and their application cannot be developed and practised within newly developed and highly innovative practice laboratory facilities where the focus of patient car
Keywords : Virtual Simulation, Serious Game
A conference dedicated to GamePlay bricks and their use to analyse and classify video games. Speakers:Julian Alvarez (Julian.alvarez@univ-lille1.fr)Docteur en Sciences de l’information et de la communication. Responsable du laboratoire consulaire Play Research Lab (PRL) dédié à l’étude du jeu et de ses usages.Plus de 150 Serious Games à son actif pour TF1, Dupuis, Milan, CNRS …Damien Djaouti (damien@ludoscience.com)Maître
Keywords : gameplay, bricks, Game design, Classification
Game-based learning has the potential to improve the education and performance of engineers and decision makers in the systems engineering field. This paper reviews the arguments for the use of educational gaming, with particular attention to the aspects of game-based learning that are well suited to tackling the complex sociotechnical systems engineering problems that currently are trusted only to experts with years of experience. It also describes the development of an educational game, Space
Keywords : systems engineering education, systems thinking, educational games, game-based learning
Special session about serious gaming during the 6th Global Conference: Video Games Culture Project, from Thursday, 17th July to Saturday, 19th July 2014, Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom. Key words: serious games, serious gaming, education, projects with students, level design, case studies SimCity in geography lessons, Civilisation V for non-violence education, Read Dead Redemption as a means of addressing the history of the Far West… These
Keywords : Call for papers, Serious Gaming, Serious Game, education, projects with students, level design, case studies, Modding
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to explore emergent learning in relation to playful interactions and instances of serious game conceptualization when combining the emerging and next generation technologies of ambient awareness with wireless grids. A review of the literature is presented for playful interactions and serious games in relation to ambient awareness and wireless grids. Using a case study approach and multiple methods of quantitative and qualitative data collection, the stu
Keywords : Ambient awareness, Ambient learning, Autonomy, Edgeware, Emergent learning, Emotion/affect, Playful interactions, Serious games
This paper treats serious games. Recently, one of the game genres called serious game has become popular, which has other purposes besides enjoyments like education, training and so on. Especially, learning games of the serious games seem very attractive for the age of video games so that the authors developed a mobile game for learning bacteriology as one of the achievements of their research project. In this paper, the authors introduce the game and show evaluated results about its learning ef
Keywords : Serious games, Mobile learning, Educational contents, Bacteriology
ABSTRACT Obesity and being overweight has become an increasing trend in America’s society over the last decade. This disease is not only affecting adults, but children as well. This statistic continues to rise due to controllable and uncontrollable factors, including poor nutrition and unfortunate medical conditions. Researchers have turned to persuasive technology in the form of health games to attack the “Battle of the Bulge.” These games fall into three different catego
Keywords : Persuasive technology, Health games, Casual games, Exergames, Serious games
Where do “serious games” come from? What are they used for? How can they be safeguarded? BnF is organizing a series of events around this new form of learning. To round things off, a study afternoon on February 5, focusing on social issues, brought together game designers, teacher-researchers and BnF experts to analyze this fast-growing phenomenon, from school to work, from vocational training to citizenship awareness.
Keywords : Serious game, Pedagogy, Market, Origin, Classification
=====================Résumé de la présentation=====================Selon la BNF, depuis 2014, le Ministère de la Culture tient à ce que nous privilégions le vocable « jeu sérieux » à la place de « Serious Game ». Il convient cependant de souligner qu’une telle traduction introduit une subtilité. En effet, dans la langue française, la notion de « jeu »
Keywords : Serious game