Abstract— While the serious game concept has considerably evolved in the last two decades, it still needs to be clearly differentiated from other types of artifacts. Thus, there is a degree of confusion about the relationship between serious games and other related applications such as simulators or the re-purposing of entertainment games within educational practices for most outside the domain. This article proposes a formal approach toward classifying Games, Toys, Serious Games, Serious
Keywords : Formal definition, Health, Health Game, Serious Game, Serious Modding, Serious Re-purposing, Serious Toy, Simulator
Round-table discussion on the place of games in schools and libraries. As part of this cross-fertilization between teachers, librarians, librarians and researchers, the idea was to examine the benefits and constraints of using and lending games in the school environment. Board games and video games were associated with these questions.
Keywords : Board game, Serious Game, Ludopedagogy, Edutainment, Documentation, Library, School, Documentation and information center
The present study aims to verify the emergence of the terms « game play » (in one word) and « gameplay » (in two words) within the framework of the Anglophone and Francophone video game cultural sphere. Starting from the writings of Wikipedia who sees the origin of these words associated with the mention « How the game plays ? » which would have appeared on the first coin-op arcade games, we are conducting an investigation of
Keywords : gameplay, game play, video game, lexicometry, emergence, coin-op arcade Games, History of video game
Vol 6 - Issue 1 By proposing to study both the genesis and the actuality, but also the implementation and the reception of digital games in the educational worlds, this thematic file aims at enriching the reflection in two fields of research, that of the "educations to" and that of a digital (or informational) culture. See the special issue: https://www.openscience.fr/Numero-1-678
Keywords : Serious games, Video games, Ludopedagogy, Game based learning
English-speaking literature currently dominates game and play studies. French-speaking researchers must necessarily read and write in English to study them. In the first chapter of such an approach, it is often mentioned that "play" refers to activity and "game" to the artefact. But there are subtleties that quickly undermine such a dichotomy. In this article, we propose a correspondence table between 18 items to help French-speaking researchers better understand English
Keywords : game studies, game, play, activity, artefact, gameplay, translation
(Broacasting our studies)
On February 5, 2020 in Lille, as part of the “Didapro” Francophone computer didactics symposium, a workshop entitled “MOTIF..MOTIF..MOTIF.. is to repeat MOTIF... 3 times” was proposed. (https://www.didapro.org/8/programme/#atelier). The aim of the workshop was to introduce young Cycle 1 pupils (kindergarten and first grade) to computer thinking through two edutainment sessions involving teachers and researchers. The proposed activities were game-based, with the pedagogica
Keywords : Serious game, Edutainment, Ludopedagogy, Evaluation, Debriefing, Education, CEPAJe, Colectyng
A round-table discussion aimed at presenting a panorama of the different communities that exist around video games. This overview shows the diversity of players involved in collecting, deconstructing, tinkering, cataloguing, hacking, paying homage, passing on... The possibilities are endless. Finally, we present some of the institutions that also represent the video game industry.
Keywords : Cosplay, Video game, Maker, Retrogaming, Research, Communities, Institutions, Gamer
SummaryBased on research on a serious game used for training purposes, this chapter aims to analyze knowledge transfer related to emotional labor between gaming and work situations. After defining emotional labor, it discusses issues related to the use of a serious game as mediation; whether or not it is accepted; and whether it contributes to the possibility of better regulating emotions. The results suggest that knowledge transfer, in and around work situations, is related more to the acceptan
Keywords : Emotional Labor, Knowledge transfer, Recruitment schemes, Serious Escape Game, Vocational training, Work situations
In this new episode, Dr. Ludus explores the concept of the "video toy", as described by researcher Stéphane Natkin in 2003 in his book "Video Games and Media in the 21st Century".https://www.eyrolles.com/Informatique... How does the concept of "video toy" differ from that of "video game"?That's what Machine and Dr. Ludus explain in this new episode. Find out more about the concept of a video toy:http://ja.games.free.fr/Introduction_... (pp
Keywords : Toy, Video toy
Interview with Julian Alvarez, associate professor at the DeVisu laboratory and INSPE in Lille.The subject is using games as a lever for teaching. Question 1: Who are you Julian Alvarez? https://youtu.be/O9GkHctoEeM Question 2: What is your day-to-day work? https://youtu.be/N_8rDvzSOAsQuestion 3: What impact does your work have on your research? https://youtu.be/8IG0cx0HtvUQuestion 4: What advice do you have for getting started in edutainment? https://yo
Keywords : Ludopedagogy, Edutainement, Education, Teaching practices, Learning, Game based learning, Play, Game