More than 39000 games classified according many criterias: authors, years, gameplay, machines...
Keywords : Video Game
Following the videogame classification project, Gam.B.A.S is a research project aimed to study the deep nature of videogames through formal deconstruction of their inner structure. Gam.B.A.S. - Prototype #1 The first step of this ongoing project is to try to provide answer to the following question: What is gameplay? Demonstation videos of the two prototypes created (2007): Publications related to this project Many analysis have yet to be done,
Keywords : game design, game creation software
This learning project intents to raise students awareness on videogame academic research through Project Based Learning (P.B.L.). The students are involved in our different research project through the design of serious game, talks about history or culture related research or even through the creation of original gameplay principles... The students are also invited to share their own points of view through collective debates and group projects relying on their personnal thoughts
Keywords : game design, education
A research project designed to build a classification system suited to videogames. This projet resulted in a website featuring a collaborative classification system based on multiple criterias. The games are classified according to their gameplay, their purposes, their markets and target audience, alongside with user-contributed keywords. The classification of videogames, a complex problem... The classification of videogame
Keywords : classification, videogames
A serious game created the 100th anniversary celebration of the "Gargas caves", a prehistoric site located in France. Famous for its negative wall-paintings of hands and its overlapping engravings of animal figures, part of this cave is unfortunately no longer visitable. Indeed, public access limited to avoid the deterioration (due to lightning and or CO2 rejected by breathing visitors) of its historical treasures. This virtual version of the caves presents you with a wall roc
Keywords : serious game, prehistory
Databases dedicated to: - Videogames : Serious Games : - Game Creation Tools : These databases are collaborative and can be enriched by web users.
Keywords : Database, Serious Games, Video games, Game creation tools
A tiny 60 pages book released by the french national postal services alongside with a videogames-themed stamps collection. The book presents some of the most famous videogames thanks to a lot of images. And here the series of stamps released alongside with this book (the stamps were packaged within the book):
Keywords : pictures, histoire, french national postal service
Technocity is a serious game released in March 2006, and freely distributed to the 600 high school and college located in the region around Toulouse City (South-West in France). The purpose of this edumarket game is to promote courses related to industrial and technical jobs towards a 15 to 18 years old audience. This title was created for the french ministry of education. This was a first experiment for the Toulouse section of french ministry of education, who wan
Keywords : serious game
The first (self-published) edition of a book later know as "The Art of Interactive Design". This book deals with the topic of interactivity from an overall point-of-view. Its 400 pages are divided in 4 parts. The first one is dedicated to the fundamentals concepts of interactivity. The second one provides many design tips using real-world examples of successful and flawed applications interfaces. From these examples, the third part lays down a general theory of interactivity, comp
Keywords : interactivity, design, theory
The french written reference about the history of videogames. This must-have book has know five different editions between 1997 and 2012. It details the story of many famous videogames thanks to interviews with their designers: Pong, Tomb Raider, Tetris, Doom, Myst, Sim City, etc. The book also have a background story with the life of Philippe Ulrich, famous french game designer and founder of Cryo, who have lived through all the stages of the videogames history. A very interesting read wi
Keywords : history, france