ABSRACT While play marks both the cultural and pre-cultural spheres of human existence, the environmental design disciplines have almost exclusively compartmentalized the notions of play and fun into categories of leisure and children’s playgrounds. The rhetorics of environmental design, to date, have ignored, or at best marginalized, the possibility of play outside of recreational and commercial contexts. Still, we have abundant examples of playful architecture and fun places that st
Keywords : Design, Architecture, Fun architecture, Game
In this paper, we present a new model to analyse therapeutic games. The goal of the model is to describe and analyse the relations between the three aspects of a therapeutic game: the player, the game, and the therapy. The model is intended to game designers. It is a tool to improve the communication between health experts and game designers, and to evaluate the game design coherency of therapeutic games. It also helps to analyse existing games to discover relevant features. The model is built w
Keywords : Video games, Evaluation, Analysis, Model, Game design, Serious games, Therapeutic
Nowadays, videogames are an important part of popular culture. Although videogames are most famous as leisure, the wave of " Serious Games " aims to use them for a wide range of serious purposes: teaching, communication, therapy, professional training, advertising, political propaganda… This thesis focuses on the design of such " Serious Games ". More specifically, we will try to identify means able to ease the creation of Serious Games. To achieve this goal, we will f
Keywords : Serious Game, Game Design, creation, game creation toolkits, modding, videogames, constructionnism , pedagogy
Study of the impact of electronic communications based on Serious gameImpact of the Serious game: 1st approach. Organization of e UGSG contest This article aims at bringing the tangible proof of any impact causedby the Serious game object on their users. The followed idea is to organizean international contest to have on the one hand a corpus ofstudy and on the other a comparison between our approach of theSerious game object and those of the developpers. The tangible proofis well lis
Keywords : Serious games, Creation, Evaluation, Impact, Perception
Study of the impact of electronic communications based on Serious game 2nd approach. Realization and diffusion of 3 Serious games This article presents the 2nd approach. This one initially aims to identifya public to play Serious games matching our approach of the object.Then, if we count such a public, the idea is to study it by questioning iton its relation with the object. To lead this study, we work out 3 Seriousgames filling our needs and study their diffusions and catch in hand
Keywords : Serious games, Audience, Impact, Diffusion, Multiplayer
Study of the impact of electronic communications based on Serious game 3rd approach. Creation of a Play & Rate 2.0 Website dedicated to Serious games This 3rd approach aims at studying more in detail the nature of the Seriousgames’ impact on the players. To drive this study, we develop a2.0 Internet site allowing the Net surfers to play Serious games and toevaluate them. With this tool, a panel of 121 people is questioned. Atthe end, we discover there exists a variety of di
Keywords : Serious games, Perception, Impact, Web 2.0, Evaluation
Is Serious Game a vector of endogenous and exogenous economic development of the territory? What is the level of development of this emerging market? Does it bring structuring growth for businesses, citizens and the region? To the extent that the conditions are met in a territory, can we consider implementing a clustering strategy in the serious gaming sector? How do its nationals fit into territorial issues? How can we mobilize this economic fabric but also assets in Research & Developme
Keywords : Serious game, Economy, Territory
This rapport presents some key figures about the Serious game market from 1950's to 2000's.
Keywords : Serious game, Market, History
Depuis les années 50, le nombre de Serious Games* édités dans le monde ne cesse de croitre. Balbutiant jusque dans les années 70, la croissance du nombre de jeux sérieux commandés ou édités dans le monde ne cesse de croitre de manière exponentielle jusque dans les années 2000. Ludoscience dans une première approche estime ce chiffre à plus de 2225 jeux sérieux en circulation et utilisé sur la
Keywords : Serious game, Statistics
This scientific book gathers contributions from 12 researchers, coming from different fields, who are studying different sides of videogames: identification of the Game Designer knowledge, using videogames in schools, space in videogames, how to dissect a videogame to analyze it, analysis of MMORPG as social spaces...N.B.: The members of Ludoscience wrote a chapter of this book, about "Serious Games".
Keywords : scientific research, education, sociology, computer science, geography