(Broacasting our studies)
This book tells the story of the french TV channel Nolife, dedicated to the japanese culture, and more specifically to mangas, animes and videogames. Thanks to numerous in-depth interviews and several photos, the author of this book invite us to a journey through the main steps that led to the creation of Nolife in 2007: the childhood of Sébastien Ruchet and Alex Pilot (the two charismatic creators of the channel) ; the creation of their first TV documentaries for Game One (a french telev
Keywords : nolife, television, manga, anime, videogame, game one, japan
The European Serious Games Awards aim to celebrate the best videogames for learning created in Europe. We will rely on scientific evaluation of the submitted games in order to award prizes not only to the best Serious Games, but also to the best academic works in the field. The Awards Ceremony will take place during the VS-Games 2012 Conference in Genoa, Italy, on October 30th 2012. *Prizes* Each winner of one the 4 European Serious Games Awards will be rewarded by the following cash priz
Keywords : serious games, awards, europe
A game that let you manage your own newspaper. In order to reach your financial goals, will you be able to produce a journal of high quality, or will you fall down into dangerous gossips like the ones who killed "News of the World"?
Keywords : serious game, newsgame, news of the world
INTRODUCTION Les jeux vidéo sont, en apparence, aisément appropriables. Ils constituent un objet culturel porteur de nombreux discours normatifs, souvent très polarisés (les jeux vidéo c’est… beau/rigolo/idiot etc.) Dans les années 1980, les discours de dénonciation étaient dominants, utilisant les mêmes arguments que les critiques antérieures adressées aux médias de masse (télévisi
AbstractFor lack of a real definition, comparable to the one of which sports were the object, the conventional said games remain an object to the apparently consensual limits, but in reality, particularly vague. This uncertainty is due to a lack of serious questioning of presuppositions found in Huizinga’s and Caillois’s founding definitions. It does not allow an appropriation of games by the social sciences, with the goal of studying the countless terms of their usage. As a remedy,
Keywords : Game, Definition, Sport, Appropriation
Video games allow complex systems modelling, revealing retroaction loops, replicating self-organization and the emergence of hierarchical organization, functional differentiation and social segregation through multi-level interactions. Recent trends focus on improving modelling tools’ graphic quality and interface attractiveness and on using video games to facilitate urban studies teaching and research. This apparent convergence between simulation and video games is addressed through a sel
Keywords : Video games, Modelling, Simulation, Models, Representation, Self-organisation, Emergence, Urban studies
ABSRACT While play marks both the cultural and pre-cultural spheres of human existence, the environmental design disciplines have almost exclusively compartmentalized the notions of play and fun into categories of leisure and children’s playgrounds. The rhetorics of environmental design, to date, have ignored, or at best marginalized, the possibility of play outside of recreational and commercial contexts. Still, we have abundant examples of playful architecture and fun places that st
Keywords : Design, Architecture, Fun architecture, Game
Abstract:A critical incident at any institution may include bomb threats, assault, bio-hazardous spills, civil disobedience, electrical outage, fire or explosion, gas leak, natural disasters, infectious diseases, and terrorist threats. Although many employees know of this type of situation, most are not properly trained with respect to how to react when a critical incident occurs, nor do they understand lockdown procedures. Serious games refer to video games that are used for training, advertisi
In this paper, we present a new model to analyse therapeutic games. The goal of the model is to describe and analyse the relations between the three aspects of a therapeutic game: the player, the game, and the therapy. The model is intended to game designers. It is a tool to improve the communication between health experts and game designers, and to evaluate the game design coherency of therapeutic games. It also helps to analyse existing games to discover relevant features. The model is built w
Keywords : Video games, Evaluation, Analysis, Model, Game design, Serious games, Therapeutic