This study aims at analyzing the influence of 3-D interaction on learning a foreign language from an experiment conducted with German language learners. The objective is to draw empirical evidence on the usefulness of Virtual Reality technologies in the conception of a serious game. The results of the empirical study show a positive influence of 3D interaction on lexical short-term memorization, but did not revealed a significant influence on long-term memorization. The study also highlights the
Keywords : Serious game, Virtual reality, Learning, Languages, Interaction
ABSTRACT This thesis explores the use of serious games from an instructor perspective. More specifically, it aims to study the roles of instructors and how they can be facilitated within an instructor-led game-based training environment. Research within the field of serious games has mostly focused on the learners’ perspective, but little attention has been paid to what the instructors do and what challenges that entails. In this thesis, I argue that serious games, as artefacts used f
Ambient Intelligence technologies can play an important role in enriching the education and learning experience. Such technologies offer students increased access to information within an augmented teaching environment which encourages active learning and collaboration, enhancing their motivation to learn. This paper focuses of transferring painting into the Ami environment through the usage of an augmented digital surface as a painting canvas, and offering interaction through augmented physical
Keywords : Learning, Painting
Following the first book in the series, this book continues to explore the history of controversial video games. This second volume focuses on games about "torture" (Mortal Kombat, Night Trap, Chiller, Manhunt, Mad World...) and horror-themed games (Resident Evil, Silent Hill, The House of the Dead, Sanitarium, Rule of Rose...). Each game and the media controversy that accompanied it are presented using a variable number of pages. Here, this book tends to suffer from the same flaw as t
Keywords : violence, torture, horror, controversy, addiction, media
Special session about serious gaming during the 6th Global Conference: Video Games Culture Project, from Thursday, 17th July to Saturday, 19th July 2014, Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom. Key words: serious games, serious gaming, education, projects with students, level design, case studies SimCity in geography lessons, Civilisation V for non-violence education, Read Dead Redemption as a means of addressing the history of the Far West… These
Keywords : Call for papers, Serious Gaming, Serious Game, education, projects with students, level design, case studies, Modding
Eric Chahi, a famous video games designer (Out of this World, anyone?), recently took part in the Retro Game Jam, a 32h video game creation competition held during november 2013 in Montpellier (France). In the video below, he discusses his feelings about this experience and presents the various prototypes of his game in order to explain his personal game creation process. A rare and very interesting testimony from a living videogame legend about the recent "Game Jam" phenomena (video i
Keywords : eric chahi, game jam
(Broacasting our studies)
A round table (5 individual presentations + Q&A with the audience) about the various topics addressed by Serious Games.
Keywords : serious games, topics, social impact games
=====================Résumé de la présentation=====================Selon la BNF, depuis 2014, le Ministère de la Culture tient à ce que nous privilégions le vocable « jeu sérieux » à la place de « Serious Game ». Il convient cependant de souligner qu’une telle traduction introduit une subtilité. En effet, dans la langue française, la notion de « jeu »
Keywords : Serious game
Cette présentation expose à un public génraliste un petit résumé de l'histoire des Serious Games. Programme de la journée : Cette nouvelle forme de communication et d’apprentissage, issue des jeux vidéo, se retrouve peu à peu dans tous les domaines de notre vie, de l’école au travail, en passant par notre santé ou notre citoyenneté. D’où viennent-ils, quels sont leurs usages, comment l
Keywords : Serious Game, History