JIES Paris 2012 days approach the topic of the game in sciences education. Intended for the professionals of education, these days are centered towards the reflexion on the relationship between sciences, technology, trainings and games. Ludoscience, represented by Julian Alvarez, was invited to take part to the event May the 3rd. Thank you Traces for its invitation. We will return with pleasure to exchange again with the actors who question themselves on the introduction of the
Keywords : Education, Learning, Game
A conference organized as part of a medical symposium to examine the use of Serious Games in the healthcare sector. In particular, the idea is to study their contribution to therapeutic education and to reflect on their use and evaluation.
Keywords : Health game, Serious Game, Therapeutic education, Assessment, Uses, Medical
Today meaning of games is much more serious than just considering them as an entertainment and free-time activity. Games have begun to be used in many different areas such as education, healthcare, military, corporate management and public policy for different purposes. Several benefits of serious games have been reported in the literature. Studies also show that with a combination of entertainment and education (edutainment) several benefits could be achieved in the rehabilitation process of th
Keywords : Serious game, Health, Health game
On May 23rd in Valenciennes, we are organizing a scientific symposium called“Evaluate and Measure the Impact of Serious Games” during the international “evirtuoses” event. This meeting aims at asking questions on approaches,paradigms, experience feedbacks enabling the projection of theoreticalframeworks, methodologies leading to evaluate or measure the impact of SeriousGames, but also to report on collected and analyzed results. Serious Gamesgenerate indeed a
Keywords : Impact, Evaluation, Measure, Serious Game, Organized system, Ecosystem, Effectiveness
AbstractThis work lies in the educational opportunities of a learning tool: the serious game. The serious game was investigated using an American example: Virtual University.We first highlight the main features of this media, namely that it can be used as: a teaching tool, a means of entertainment, and as a technology of information and communication. It aims for multiple learning objectives, it finds application in many areas and it targets all age groups. Then, we show that learning through th
Keywords : Serious Game, Constructivist psychocognitive theories, Intrinsic motivation, Socio-cognitive conflicts, Situated learning
This study examines the various market segments of Serious Gaming based on detailed case studies and a systematic presentation of the corresponding technologies, practices and know-how, while emphasising on the key stages of the design, development and dissemination phases. It also provides technology and business prospects for each market segment.
Keywords : Serious Game, Market, Education, Evolution, Defence, Training, Health, Study
Abstract:A critical incident at any institution may include bomb threats, assault, bio-hazardous spills, civil disobedience, electrical outage, fire or explosion, gas leak, natural disasters, infectious diseases, and terrorist threats. Although many employees know of this type of situation, most are not properly trained with respect to how to react when a critical incident occurs, nor do they understand lockdown procedures. Serious games refer to video games that are used for training, advertisi
This study examines the various market segments of Serious Gaming based on detailed case studies and a systematic presentation of the corresponding technologies, practices and know-how, while emphasising on the key stages of the design, development and dissemination phases. It also provides technology and business prospects for each market segment. Serious Gaming (SG) is at the crossroads of several disciplines: e-learning, computing, engineering, virtual world d
Keywords : Serious Game, Market, Evolution, Health, Defence, Education, Study, Training
Nowadays, videogames are an important part of popular culture. Although videogames are most famous as leisure, the wave of " Serious Games " aims to use them for a wide range of serious purposes: teaching, communication, therapy, professional training, advertising, political propaganda… This thesis focuses on the design of such " Serious Games ". More specifically, we will try to identify means able to ease the creation of Serious Games. To achieve this goal, we will f
Keywords : Serious Game, Game Design, creation, game creation toolkits, modding, videogames, constructionnism , pedagogy
AbstractResearch in game-based learning environments aims to recognise and show emotion. This chapter describes the main approaches and challenges involved in achieving these goals. In addition, we propose an emotional student model that can reason about students’ emotions using observable behaviour and responses to questions. Our model uses Control-Value Theory (Pekrun et al., The control value theory of achievement emotions. An integrative approach to emotions in education. In: Schutz, P
Keywords : Computer Science, Computers and Education