According to the OECD, France only ranks 17th out of 34 countries in terms of development of the information society. Nor is it among the leaders when it comes to the use of digital technology in schools, where it ranks within the European average, often far behind the most advanced countries13. Printed textbooks are still very much the dominant model, both in terms of usage and public purchasing. While we must not overestimate either the positive impact of digital technology on educational succ
Keywords : Digital Economy, Report, Education, France, Ministries
Keywords : serious games, education
Les 4 et 5 juin 2013 s'est tenu le salon E-virtuoses, dédié au serious game et à tous ses usages. Julian Alvarez, chercheur au Play research lab, laboratoire R&D de la CCI Grand Hainaut et enseignant à l’université Lille 1, revient sur un concept clé pour l'enseignement supérieur, le serious gaming. A l'heure où la question de l’innovation pédagogique est de plus en plus présente dans l
Keywords : Serious game, Serious gaming, Education, Learning
Since 2005, we have been providing courses on video game design to students from several university courses and training centers (INSA and several departments of the University of Toulouse, France). The educational objective is to get learners to design and carry out small video game projects with a message. The themes are oriented for example on awareness of food hygiene, or the discovery of industrial or engineering professions. From 2010, we are focusing on the creation of Newsgames with engi
Keywords : newsgames, critical thinking, project-based learning, Serious game
ABSTRACT From the perspective of educators, games are viewed as a medium in which the younger generation both thrive and excel. Students navigate game environments with ease and regularly solve problems, engage in advanced collaborative efforts, and communicate complex concepts and strategies to one another during their private gaming sessions at home. Games invite the player to form an understanding of intricate systems and mechanics based on participation and experimentation rather than m
Keywords : Education, Serious Game
ABSTRACT In this thesis, I will research into how player motivation is achieved and how it can be a powerful factor in creating a bonding between the player and the game world and how that can be achieved in an educational title in order to stimulate learning for the player. This thesis will also present the development of a prototype and its evolution into a game based on user feedback, all to have young children learn and understand mathematics, more specifically arithmetics, much easier.
Keywords : Learning
Serious games are becoming increasingly important in Education. Generally, the creation of a serious game must take into account both the gaming aspects and the educational aspects from the beginning of the design. An other approach is increasingly used: gamification. It allows to add fun aspects to an already existing application. In addition, players have different sensitivities regarding the use of some&nb
Keywords : Gamification, Personalisation, Memorisation, Help
================================================================================= International Scientific Symposium "Games for all purposes? Appropriation, Repurposing and Rejection" ================================================================================= On 4 and 5 June 2013 in Valenciennes, during the "e-virtuoses" scientific convention, dedicated to the use of games and play (digital or not) for utilitarian purposes, we will host a scientific
Keywords : Serious Game, Serious Gaming, Gamification, Serious Play, Evaluation, Uses, Organisation, Transformation
Abstract:Serious games are video games or computer games designed for training or educational purposes. Thanks to the interesting and useful opportunities that they provide such as interactivity, immersion, simulation they become well accepted and well spread among professional and academic fields. However, the selection of the most suitable serious games to a specific educational goal seems to be not well studied in the literature. This paper tries to meet this research gap by developing a new
Keywords : Games, Training, Business, Biological system modeling, Educational institutions, Entertainment industry
ABSTRACT The recognition of facial expressions is important for the perception of emotions. Understanding emotions is essential in human communication and social interaction. Children with autism have been reported to exhibit deficits in the recognition of affective expressions. With the appropriate intervention, elimination of those deficits can be achieved. Interventions are proposed to start as early as possible. Computer-based programs have been widely used with success to teach people
Keywords : Serious Games, Gesture-based interaction, Natural User Interface, Autism, Facial emotion recognition