Craftyy is a tool designed to ease the creation of videogames without requiring any kind of technical skills. Paired with an online sharing platform, it's designed to foster collaborative game design. Any game created with it is place under a Creative Commons licence (BY-NC). Hence, anyone can pick any of the game hosted on the platform, and easily create its own "remix", then share it again to the plaform. Still under construction, Craftyy needs you to continue. If you are
Keywords : game design, gaming 2.0
The European Serious Games Awards aim to celebrate the best videogames for learning created in Europe. We will rely on scientific evaluation of the submitted games in order to award prizes not only to the best Serious Games, but also to the best academic works in the field. The Awards Ceremony will take place during the VS-Games 2012 Conference in Genoa, Italy, on October 30th 2012. *Prizes* Each winner of one the 4 European Serious Games Awards will be rewarded by the following cash priz
Keywords : serious games, awards, europe
We wrote an article about the historical origins of "Serious Games", which get published by Springer in the book "Serious Games and Edutainment Applications" a few months ago. We first review the historical definitions of the "Serious Games" oxymoron. We then explore the history of videogames in search of the first "Serious Games", that actually appeared before the first entertainment videogames... This book gathers several scientific articles ded
Keywords : serious games, history