This paper presents the project of extension of the on-line learning system Sphinx to multimedia capabilities. Sphinx is actually used by the students of the University Laval at Quebec in an artificial intelligence course. This system enables the student to revise during their course and before the exams. The originality of the method rises in collaborative way of working, each student adding comments on the others. This interactivity has reach its boundaries and a new way is arising in order to
Keywords : pédagogie, Video Game, Avatar, Virtual Companion, Serious Game
The aim of this article is to present V.E.Ga.S tool, which intends to classify video games, study their nature and to corroborate hypothesis by a pragmatic approach. The approach has been inspired by the methodology of Vladimir Propp, who has classified Russian Tales at the time, as well as on the works and the "iterative" approach of the game designers Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman. The approach consists in studying a significant number of video games in order to index their composit
Keywords : Classification, Game design, Video Games, Morphology, Taxonomy, Bricks, Experimental Methods
L’objet de cet article est de présenter un outil destiné à classer les jeux vidéo, étudier leur nature et corroborer des hypothèses par une approche pragmatique. L’approche suivie est de s’inspirer de la méthodologie de Vladimir Propp qui a servi à classer les contes russes en son temps, tout en nous appuyant sur les travaux et l’approche « itérative » des game designers Katie Salen et Er
Keywords : Classification, Bricks, Gameplay, Taxonomy, Video games
With nearly 1000 pages, this heavy book was baked for you by two of best videogames researchers. I gathers many articles that anyone serious about the study of games must (or at least should) have read. The articles gathers are quite different, ranging from scientific essays about the definition of videogames (Huinzingua, Caillois, Suits, etc.) to players gaming diaries and professional game developers postmortems (Valve Software on how they created Half-Life, Lucasart on their pioneering MMO &q
Keywords : research, game studies, history, definition
Following the videogame classification project, Gam.B.A.S is a research project aimed to study the deep nature of videogames through formal deconstruction of their inner structure. Gam.B.A.S. - Prototype #1 The first step of this ongoing project is to try to provide answer to the following question: What is gameplay? Demonstation videos of the two prototypes created (2007): Publications related to this project Many analysis have yet to be done,
Keywords : game design, game creation software
A research project designed to build a classification system suited to videogames. This projet resulted in a website featuring a collaborative classification system based on multiple criterias. The games are classified according to their gameplay, their purposes, their markets and target audience, alongside with user-contributed keywords. The classification of videogames, a complex problem... The classification of videogame
Keywords : classification, videogames
A serious game created the 100th anniversary celebration of the "Gargas caves", a prehistoric site located in France. Famous for its negative wall-paintings of hands and its overlapping engravings of animal figures, part of this cave is unfortunately no longer visitable. Indeed, public access limited to avoid the deterioration (due to lightning and or CO2 rejected by breathing visitors) of its historical treasures. This virtual version of the caves presents you with a wall roc
Keywords : serious game, prehistory
Bill Kunkel, usually known as "The Game Doctor", is one of the videogaming press pioneers in the USA. With his lifetime friend Arnie Katz, he started to write down articles about videogames in 1978, for the Video magazine. In 1981, the two pioneers launched Electronic Games, the first magazine dedicated to videogames published in the USA - if not in the world. This autobiographic book gathers numerous trivia and short stories coming from the career of Bill Kunkel: the birth of Electron
Keywords : biography, bill kunkel, video games, press, usa, electronic games, the game doctor
This article describes the innovative approach taken by the French Ministry of Education, which is using video gamesto convey a message to the 15-18 age group in order to promote its industrial sectors.Taking a scientific approach to communication and sociology, we begin by exploring the strategy putin place to develop games designed to convey the desired message, followed by a study of the very firstreceptions in the field. Read paper on Research Gate Read paper on HAL &n
Keywords : Pedagogy, Video Game, Serious Game, Education
Technocity is a serious game released in March 2006, and freely distributed to the 600 high school and college located in the region around Toulouse City (South-West in France). The purpose of this edumarket game is to promote courses related to industrial and technical jobs towards a 15 to 18 years old audience. This title was created for the french ministry of education. This was a first experiment for the Toulouse section of french ministry of education, who wan
Keywords : serious game