A journal article published in "20 Minutes" which presents the Serious Games EcoReporter : à la découverte d'Andromède and Le Jardinier Ecolo, designed by Damien Djaouti for his PhD thesis.
Keywords : serious games, ecology
An article on the history of the pionner videogames invented at the MIT between 1959 and 1962: Mouse in a Maze, Tic-Tac-Toe, Qubic, PDP-1 Chess and Spacewar!
Keywords : history, pionner, mit, videogames
A journal article presenting many good ideas in the education businnes, including Serious Games.
Keywords : serious game, education, businness
Il y a seulement deux ans, ils n'étaient qu'une poignée en France à s'y intéresser. Aujourd'hui, le serious game, le jeu vidéo "sérieux", semble devenir un outil incontournable de communication et de formation. 20 millions d'euros ont été débloqués par le gouvernement pour aider 48 projets. To read the post
Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Play, Video game
An article about the first videogames from 1947 to 1958: the CRT Amusement Device, the NIMrod, OXO, HutSpiel and Tennis for Two.
Keywords : history, pioneers, videogames
An article about using the GamePlay bricks with arcade games
Keywords : bricks, gameplay, arcade, Deconstruction, Structuralism, Formal
ABSTRACT: Video games have become a prime choice of entertainment not only for young people but also in adults or women. Development Studies advertisers and organizations that mediate between them have discovered the potential of videogames as a medium for marketing communication. Thus, the advergame and the in-game advertising have become a powerful and dynamic medium for communicating ideas, products, services or items in an original manner, which also offers video game development studios an
Keywords : Advertainment, Advergame, In-game advertising, Product placement, Videogames
A french article about Serious Games and questions about learning...
Keywords : Serious Games, Learning
The creation and development of multimedia devices destined for the general public pose many questions for designers. In this article we present two multimedia applications – a Serious Play and a Serious Game – which were part of an experiment performed in 2006. This article will present both devices designed specifically for the promotion of a prehistoric heritage site – the Gargas caves – and describe how they were received by the general public. The aim of this task wa
Keywords : Serious Game, Cultural Heritage, Prehistory
Comix Zone (Broacasting our studies)
An article about the genesis of Comix Zone (1995), alongside with an interview of its game designer Peter Morawiec.
Keywords : history, videogames