This paper is part of an experimental approach aimed to raise a video games classification. Being inspired by the methodology that Propp used for the classification of Russian fairy tales, we have cleared out recurrent diagrams within rules of video games, named "Game Bricks". The combinations of these different bricks will allow us to represent a classification, in accordance to their rules, of all the video games. In this article, we will study the real link between these bricks and
Keywords : Classification, Rules, Video Games, Gameplay
A collection of party games suited for teenage girl, playable through MSN Messenger while chatting.
Keywords : feminine audience
-= Presentation slides (in french) =- (Flash file - click inside the window to give it the keyboard focus,then use the left and right arrow keys to browse through the slides)
Keywords : art
A serious game about the engineer job, focused on INSA , a french engineer school. The game features several minigames illustrating each department, thus different specializations: urban engineer, systems engineer and chemical engineer.
Keywords : serious game, engineer, school, minigames
The aim of this article is first to present V.E.Ga.S., a tool which intend to classify video games, study their nature and to corroborate hypothesis by a pragmatic approach. It consists in studying a significant number of video games in order to index their composition of elementary “game bricks”. Basing our study on this bricks and crossing them, we try to classify and study video games. In a second time, this paper presents the classification deduced from the results of V.E.Ga.S.
Keywords : Classification, Bricks, Experimental Methods, Gameplay, Game design, Video Games, Morphology, Taxonomy
An illustration-only book which features screenshots and illustrations from the most famous videogames of the last 30 years.
Keywords : pictures, history
The aim of this article is to present a classification of video games deduced by a pragmatic approach. The methodology consisted in indexing a significant number of video games by taking account their elementary “game bricks”. At last all these combinations have been studied in a database called V.E.Ga.S. Access to proceedings
Keywords : Classification, Bricks, Gameplay, Taxonomy, Game, Play, Morphology
This paper presents the project of extension of the on-line learning system Sphinx to multimedia capabilities. Sphinx is actually used by the students of the University Laval at Quebec in an artificial intelligence course. This system enables the student to revise during their course and before the exams. The originality of the method rises in collaborative way of working, each student adding comments on the others. This interactivity has reach its boundaries and a new way is arising in order to
Keywords : pédagogie, Video Game, Avatar, Virtual Companion, Serious Game
The autobiography of Nicolas Gaume, founder of the french game studio Kalisto, which created some of the finest videogames during the 90's: Pac-in-time, Nightmare Creatures, Ultim@te Race Pro, Dark Earth, etc. Praised for the quality of its creations, this studio unfortunately closed its door in the 2000's, mainly due to the financial crisis caused by the burst of the ".com economy" bubble. This rare book is a detailed legacy of the quick transformation of the AAA videogames industry f
Keywords : biography, nicolas gaume, kalisto, french touch
A 700 pages introductory bible to the many concepts of Game Design. This book is an updated and revised edition of "Andrew Rollings and Ernest Adams on Game Design", and it's still divided in two parts. The first one is explaining the fundamental concepts of video game design: game design process, game mechanics, balancing, storytelling, characters, level design, etc. The second part of the book presents the main video game genres (action, adventure, simulation, sports, etc.) and their
Keywords : game design, introduction, genre, beginner