Participation in the organizing committee of the AREF 2013 conference.
Keywords : aref 2013, organizing
An article from the website about the game Moreia, created by Dr.Ludos.
Keywords : indie game, news
CALL FOR PAPERS for a Special Issue of the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL) on Learning Analytics in Massively Multiuser Virtual Environments and CoursesThere has been much interest of late in ‘big data’ and the role it can play in decision making in diverse areas of business, science and entertainment. By employing a combination of modern artificial intelligence, machine learning and statistics techniques, extremely large and complex data sets can be &lsquo
Keywords : call for papers, journal
This book tells the story of Dungeons & Dragons, a game that gave birth to the "pen and paper role playing" genre, highly popular in the 80's and 90's. The book details the origins of the game, co-designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Anerson in 1974, alongside with the epic tale of TSR, the company created by Gygax to sell this innovative game. The book mix chapters about the history of the game with more personal chapters, where the author remembers his owns role-playing sessions. Whil
Keywords : dungeons & dragons, gary gygax, dave anerson, tsr, pen-and-paper role playing game, history, greyhawk, blackmoor
Abstract Serious games have been receiving a lot of interest in the recent years and have been increasingly used for educational, military and business purposes. One of the positive sides of serious games is the fact of being tools that allow the creation of an environment where players are immersed in a playful activity, and are much more receptive to knowledge acquisition. Through serious games players are more likely to retain information for a longer period of time. The terrain instabil
Since 2005, we have been providing courses on video game design to students from several university courses and training centers (INSA and several departments of the University of Toulouse, France). The educational objective is to get learners to design and carry out small video game projects with a message. The themes are oriented for example on awareness of food hygiene, or the discovery of industrial or engineering professions. From 2010, we are focusing on the creation of Newsgames with engi
Keywords : newsgames, critical thinking, project-based learning, Serious game
ABSTRACT From the perspective of educators, games are viewed as a medium in which the younger generation both thrive and excel. Students navigate game environments with ease and regularly solve problems, engage in advanced collaborative efforts, and communicate complex concepts and strategies to one another during their private gaming sessions at home. Games invite the player to form an understanding of intricate systems and mechanics based on participation and experimentation rather than m
Keywords : Education, Serious Game
Abstract:In light of calls that civic participation is declining, efforts are underway to replace outdated, unproductive forms of citizenship. With the majority of Americans now connected to the Internet, community leaders see the digital realm as the new frontier for promoting engagement. Increasingly, digital games are being designed for the express purpose of promoting community engagement and social action. My thesis examines this emerging practice of civic game design. Within this thesis, I
(Broacasting our studies)
In a video game design teaching course, we chose to replace the creation of entertainment videogames by the creation of Newsgames (i.e. Serious Games about news topics). Thanks to this change, our course seems to be able to enhance the critical thinking skills of students while still teaching them how to design videogames. For example, several students designed different videogames about the same news topic. This project required them to exchange their own opinions and discuss about the news top
Keywords : newsgame, design, project based learning, Serious game