AbstractVideo games have become one of the largest entertainment industries, and their power to capture the attention of players worldwide soon prompted the idea of using games to improve education. However, these educational games, commonly referred to as serious games, face different challenges when brought into the classroom, ranging from pragmatic issues (e.g., a high development cost) to deeper educational issues, including a lack of understanding of how the students interact with the games
Keywords : Serious games, Game learning analytics, Learning analytics, Game analytics, Educational standards
ABSTRACT Serious games augment utilitarian applications with an entertainment dimension. Hence, information pertaining to a utilitarian objective is seamlessly incorporated into the gaming scenario. In this paper, we present the concept of ubiquitous biofeedback serious games (UBSGs), a family of games that integrate biofeedback processes in their operation. They rely on physiological inputs collected from the player through biological sensors for game control. These physiological inputs ar
Keywords : Biofeedback, Biological control systems, Physiology, Entertainment industry, Biosensors, Serious gaming, Affective computing, Ubiquitous computing
=================Résumé de la conférence================= Datagame : Crowdsourcing Métriques & TracesCette présentation a pour objectif de présenter le concept de Datagame, une catégorie de Serious Game associé à des échanges de données.Les Datagames nous renvoient notamment au concept de Crowdsourcing qui sera expliqué.Ces éléments expliqués, il conviendra de comprendre ce que sous-
Keywords : Datagame, Metrics, Serious Game, Data Base
During a game jam, the "parrain" (litt. "godfather") is here to guide the participants by providing them with useful tips and feedback on their game project.
Keywords : game jam, ecologie
Rencontres Business Pays Bas – Cité de la Mode et du Design (Paris)publié le 3 mars 2016 dans Evénement partenaireLe 11/03/2016A l’occasion de la visite d’Etat du Roi et de la Reine des Pays-Bas, l’Ambassade des Pays-Bas organise le 11 mars prochain une rencontre entre entreprises françaises et hollandaises à la Cité de la Mode et du Design à Paris et vous invite à y participer.Dévelop
Keywords : Serious game, Economy, Business, Parternership
This paper updates and builds on ‘Modelling with Stakeholders’ Voinov and Bousquet, 2010 which demonstrated the importance of, and demand for, stakeholder participation in resource and environmental modelling. This position paper returns to the concepts of that publication and reviews the progress made since 2010. A new development is the wide introduction and acceptance of social media and web applications, which dramatically changes the context and scale of stakeholder interactions
Keywords : Citizen science, Social media, Serious games, Crowdsourcing, Biases, Uncertainty
Researchers and health professionals have long been curious about the potential of electronic games for purposes beyond entertainment. This topic is of particular importance given the rapid growth of the game industry, whose products are enjoyed by over 1.5 billion people worldwide (EEDAR, 2015), many of them on mobile devices. As the number of smartphone users continues to grow, with conservative estimates projecting a rise from 2 billion worldwide at the end of 2015 to 6.1 billion in 2020 (Eri
(Broacasting our studies)
Résumé : Claiming mix game and utilitarian goal, serious games tend to challenge traditional definitions of the game, free activity, separate and unproductive. For the researcher, they can be useful objects to query the boundary between what is a game and what is not a game. To clarify these issues, we submitted as part of an ethnomethodological investigation a set of serious games to a student audience. The results allow to understand the components of the playful
Keywords : serious games, playful attitude, playful perception, boundary object, ethnomethodology
AbstractBusinesses around the world use serious games to make training more compelling and effective. An examination of the historic role of serious games in human resource management and the differences between serious games and other forms of professional development leads to the formation of a system for classifying serious games. Coupled with the experiences revealed in a study of 43 leading French firms that employ serious games to manage various aspects of HR, the typology can help manager
Keywords : Serious Game
This article questions the place of games in language teaching and more specifically examines how the transition between the use of traditional games in the classroom and their adaptation to digital media has been carried out. Are these games the same or have they changed ? Has the digital switchover preserved the entertaining aspects of these games or have these aspects changed in order to accommodate more serious content ? We will thus examine the potential added value of digital ver
Keywords : learning games, language learning, tasks, action-based learning, playful attitude