Abstract During this project a serious game was created, which included a pedagogical agent to teach middle schoolers about art concepts. The game is used to test if the option to customise the agent would have an effect on fun, knowledge gain, and how the player rated the agent. This game consists of five mini games and a character creator. The mini games each focused on teaching a specific art concept; perspective, image cropping, composition, genre, and colour blending. The player can cu
Keywords : Serious game
This tall book (larger than A4) is a collection of articles written by different authors who offer you a journey through the main video game-related events from the year 1992, in France. The book begins with a handful of papers dealing with year-long events, such as the home console competition between Nintendo and Sega, with a lot of figures. They are completed by a portrait of Masahiro Sakurai (Kirby, Smash Bros) and another one of the Lucasarts studio. Then, several articles are dealing with
Keywords : history, 1992, console, pc, super nes, lucasarts
===========Actions menées =========== Stand présentant le concept de Serious Game et les différents ouvrages de Ludoscience. ================Résumée de la journée================ Les fonctionnaires stagiaires de la promotion 2015-2016 ont pu rencontrer tous les partenaires de l’éducation. La journée du 9 juin qui a accueilli plus de 1200 étudiants fonctionnaires stagiaires, fera date dans l’histoi
Keywords : Serious game, Edugame, Education, Ludopedagogy
(Broacasting our studies)
Si les serious games font l’objet de nombreuses expériences de terrain dans l’enseignement primaire et secondaire, ils restent suspects aux yeux d’une partie de la communauté éducative. Que penser de leur potentiel éducatif ? Qu’en dit la recherche ? Quels jeux choisir et comment les utiliser en classe pour favoriser l’apprentissage ? Cet ouvrage répond à ces questions de manière claire et synth&eacu
Keywords : Serious game, Edugame, Ludopedagogy, Education, School, Serious Toy, Learning
This book focuses on Serious Games for Education. It's aimed at teachers who wish to use games, digital or not, with their students. The book starts with a presentation of the main advantages and limitations of using Serious Games for teaching, based upon conclusions of several scientific studies conducted over this topic. It then exposes practical information: where can we find Serious Games? How to integrate them into a lesson? Is it possible to use "entertainment games" for educatio
Keywords : serious game, school, education, examples, pratical guide
AbstractThe advent of mobile phone with a multi-megapixel camera and autouploaders has democratised photography. Taking pictures and acquiring annotations is no longer an expensive task as it used to be. Yet performing these tasks in a systematically way is still very cumbersome for most users. In this paper, we outline two game mechanics that can be exploited for the purpose of large-scale image sensing and content annotation. Our first mechanic allows for better control over when, how and wher
Keywords : game mechanics, photography
This paper is part of an overall approach aimed at assessing what kind of support, and in what proportions, a trainer might need when using games as mediation. To do this, we believe we need to start by establishing an initial model for evaluating the initial teaching or training situation using play as mediation. To develop such a model, we have chosen to enrich an existing grid, developed in 2006 by Sara de Freitas and Martin Oliver. This co-construction is based on a hypothetico-deductive app
Keywords : Serious game, Evaluation, Model, Serious gaming, Edugame, Activity, Learning, Game Based Learning
In French-speaking research, the expression ‘serious gaming’ is used in English in order to refer to the practice of diverting videogames aimed at three new, functional purposes: the diffusion of message(s), training and data collection. ‘Serious games’ are thus distinguished from ‘serious gaming’: while the end result may appear similar (combining games with educational purposes), serious gaming applies new functions a posteriori. To highlig
Keywords : Serious Gaming, Serious Game, Serious Modding, Serious Diverting
Retrogaming #1 : Introduction Date, heure et lieu de l'événement :Mercredi 1 juin 2016 de 13:00 à 14:00 (heure avancée d’Europe centrale Heure : France)Serre Numérique2 rue Péclet59300 ValenciennesFrance Assister à l'Evénement Cette 1ere session Rétrogaming introduira le sujet en proposant une frise temporelle qui passe en revue la préhistoire du jeu vid&eacut
Keywords : Serious game history, Video Game history, Retrogaming, Workshop
Abstract After the turn of the century, video games have risen up to the level of the largest mainstream entertainment mediums, now even challenging the movie industry in size. Even though the area occupied by serious games in this market has only just recently really started growing, with serious games still being only a relatively small portion of the video games market, has the idea of using games as tools for education and training been the target of continuous interest for at least the
Keywords : Video games, Serious games, Simulations, Simulate, Educational games, Edutainment, Health games, War games