AbstractIn 2010 the eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull paralyzed a large part of the European air traffic. Results were massive restrictions in the European and intercontinental air traffic. Even after canceling the aircraft grounding, airport operators, airlines, air traffic controllers, and ground handlers had to deal with the situation that the aircraft and crews were not in the places where they should have been for the correct execution of the flight plan. To
Keywords : Air traffic management, Decision-making, Serious games
AbstractDesigning serious games is a complex process because finding the right balance between the ‘serious' and the ‘game' dimensions is vital, as pointed out in some meta-analyses (Wouters, et al. 2013). If educational content prevails over the entertainment element, users' motivation may decrease and this can have a negative impact on the effectiveness of learning. On the other hand, if entertainment predominates over content, this can also limit learning opportunities. Another ma
Keywords : Serious game, Design, Education, Digital games, Modèles
Abstract. This paper presents the findings from a study aimed at understanding whether video games (or serious games) can be effective in enhancing volcanic hazard education and communication. Using the eastern Caribbean island of St. Vincent, we have developed a video game – St. Vincent’s Volcano – for use in existing volcano education and outreach sessions. Its twin aims are to improve residents’ knowledge of potential future eruptive hazards (ash fall, pyroclastic
Keywords : Volcanic, Serious game, Videogames
When is a serious game serious?by Dr. Holger Sprengel, Andrew Pomazanskyi (Nurogames GmbH)The video game industry is doing better than ever before. What we used to think of as “children’s play” not too long ago has now grown into an industry with revenues of $81.5 billion in 2014 (1) which was more than twice that of the international film industry for the year 2013. As such, the number of different types of games has been steadily increasing.One such type of video games
Keywords : Serious Game
(Broacasting our studies)
Our research question can be formulated as follows: what is transmitted and learned with so-called “serious” games, and what does this teach us about the relationship between learning and transmitting as it is thought and experienced today? To answer this question, we need to define the serious games used in this contribution, the population concerned, the methodological approach used and the theoretical frame of reference used. The games selected were developed by a company (3DDUO)
Keywords : Serious game, Transfer, Mathematics, Math
Learning of programming and, more generally, of computer science concepts is now reaching the public at large. It is not only reserved for people who studied informatics (computer science) or programming anymore. Teaching programming to schoolchildren presents many challenges: the big diversity in ability and aptitude levels; the big amount of different tools; the time-consuming nature of programming; and of course the difficulty to motivate schoolchildren to keep them busy with hard work. There
Keywords : Game-based learning, Gamification, Learning programming, Online programming platform, Programming contest
The online game's commercial success and the influence on user behavior, led us to consider developing applications with games features in order to investigate which variables and features that could influence in e-banking adopting. The topic of games and business, lead us to a main research question, "What is the impact of computer applications with game features in e-banking?", and two other questions, "Which elements, characteristics or variables of games on e-bank
Keywords : e-Commerce , Gamification, Online games, Software development, Information technology, Web design, Technology acceptance, e-Banking
AbstractVoluntariness is an important feature of games. Serious game designers intend to generate engaging gameplay, which implies that voluntary play should be equally important for serious games as for entertainment games. This paper describes the outcome of a study on the impact of voluntariness on learning in a serious game. The results of 19 participants, randomly assigned to voluntary and mandatory gameplay, are analyzed to identify possible differences. The findings of this study suggest
Keywords : Serious games, Effectiveness, Learning effect, Freedom of choice
AbstractWhile a lot of papers have argued for the educational potential of serious games, the field is still young and methods and tools are needed in order to support effective and efficient design. The SG Studies Database is an instrument devised to allow sharing structured information about SGs. This information can be used by scholars and practitioners also to perform comparative analysis and identify components and modules that could be used in different games. The SG Studies database, whic
Keywords : Personal Computing, Computers and Education, User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction, Image Processing and Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics), Software Engineering
AbstractInnovations being achieved with interactive devices (screens, sensors etc.) allow the development of new forms of interaction for many applications. Videogames played with these devices are completely changing how we use them and taking advantage of intuitive interfaces. Based on that, we ask “What aspects of playability are affected using different input devices for a certain gaming task and how is gaming performance affected?”. Our contribution is to present a practical eva
Keywords : Emotions in HCI, Entertainment systems, Evaluation methods and techniques, User Experience, Input devices