00:00:00 / 01:25:12 VidéoSonVoir aussi Se Summary: How can games - and video games in particular - become learning tools? Is a game that abandons frivolity to become a serious game - a contradiction for some - still a game? Does gamification really mean offering a playful experience? The meeti
Keywords : Serious game, Edutainment, Ludopedagogy, Video game, Gamification
Here's a question posed by one of our DIU Apprendre par le jeu students: “I'm currently following the MOOC on serious games offered by the Erasmus University of Rotterdam: https://www.coursera.org/learn/serious-gaming Very interesting, by the way...I'm coming up to week 2, which deals with the psychological approach to games, and here's what it says about the difference between “play” and “game”:Game are specific form of play, but not all play can be considered
Keywords : Play, Game, Toy, Term, Definition, English speaking
This presentation proposes to challenge one of the criteria proposed by Roger Caillois to define both play and game. This criterion is the 4th in relation to unproductivity. Based on the Datagame, a game category belonging to the Serious Game, we propose to demonstrate by a hypothetic-deductive approach our breaking with this fourth criterion. The key to the demonstration lies in the exploration of the concept of Datagame and the identification of associated sub-categories.
Keywords : Datagame, Serious game, Video game, Health game, Gamification, Database, Crowdsourcing
(Broacasting our studies)
This book revisits the Gameplay Bricks model, which was originally designed to deconstruct video games in a formal system. More than a decade after submitting it to the community, what concrete contribution does this model make? This question is the starting point for this book. After taking stock of the criticisms and appropriations from the scientific community, professionals, game designers, trainers, teachers, bloggers, youtubers and students. The idea is to discover the perspectives offered
Keywords : Video game, Brick, Classification, Atom, Programming, Gameplay, Formal system
Retrogaming can refer to both video games as devices (cartridges, devices, etc.) which are more than 10 years old, and the activity which consists of playing with them. Retrogaming thus brings together enthusiasts, nostalgic people, collectors, computer scientists, artists, journalists, YouTubers, teachers, researchers, etc. These different actors often meet in communities, associations, events dedicated to retrogaming to play, but also to exchange anecdotes, even historical facts around certain
Keywords : Retrogaming, Innovation, Video game
On June 15, 2018, the first session of the Game In Lab was held. Launched by the new entity “Asmodee Research”, this initiative aims to bring together multidisciplinary scientists, game professionals and players in game-based pedagogy. The day's objective was already to clear the way by outlining a definition of play and tackling fields as varied as Serious Games, e-sport and the benefits of playful activity.
Keywords : Serious Game, Conferences, e-sport
The aim of this paper is firstly to explain why certain productions linked to the video-game industry have been commercially unsuccessful. Secondly, the idea is to identify whether certain achievements can be reused to innovate. This approach is aimed at students, industrialists, researchers and healthcare professionals alike.
Keywords : Retrogaming, Neo retrogaming, Innovation, Video game, Serious game, Health, Research, History
(Broacasting our studies)
Serious games have a role to play in universitiesSerious games are a fun way of imparting theoretical knowledge. In universities, they're all the rage. More and more studies are highlighting their beneficial effects on the learning process. “They capture students' attention and get them involved in a learning activity,” explains Julian Alvarez, a researcher on the subject at the University of Lille.
Keywords : Serious Game, Pedagogy, University, Video game
(Broacasting our studies)
In 2013, the cover of “Nature” magazine was devoted to the benefits of video games for senior citizens. Today, the big video game players are positioning themselves in this field: for example, Nintendo has been offering “Dr Kawashima's Brain Training” since 2007, or the “Walk with Me” application, which is designed to facilitate daily exercise and encourage walking. A Japanese company like Bandai Namco, whose business is the development and marketing of video
Keywords : Health game, Serious game, Health, Patient, Defintion
To understand how Serious Games fit into the videogame landscape, we can draw an analogy with the world of cinema.In the film industry, we primarily find big-budget entertainment films, also known as “block busters”.In the video-game industry, the equivalent would be AAA (triple-A) titles. Next come auteur or independent films. This is where we find the independent games community.As for art films, we identify Arts games such as Jason Rohrer's Passage.Then we come to documentari
Keywords : Serious game, Video game industry, Documentary, Movie industry, Docu-fiction, Art game, Advergame, Audio-visual