In this new episode, Dr. Ludus explores the concept of the "video toy", as described by researcher Stéphane Natkin in 2003 in his book "Video Games and Media in the 21st Century". How does the concept of "video toy" differ from that of "video game"?That's what Machine and Dr. Ludus explain in this new episode. Find out more about the concept of a video toy: (pp
Keywords : Toy, Video toy
Cette vidéo explore l'effet-V de Bertolt Brecht appliqué au jeu vidéo. Cette approche est évoquée en page 86 dans l'ouvrage "Apprendre avec les Serious Games ?" de Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti et Olivier Rampnoux paru en 2016 : illustrer le concept d'effet V appliqué au jeu vidéo, cet épisode aborde l'approche du Game Designer japonais Hideo Kojima via son jeu Metal Gear Solid paru en
Keywords : V-Effect, Distancing, Video game
In this second part dedicated to the prehistory of video games, Dr. Ludus takes us to discover the very first ancestors of video games... This exploration is based on the book “La Préhistoire du jeu vidéo” by Damien Djaouti, published in 2019.
Keywords : Video games, Retrogaming
This video explores the prehistory of video games. It's about discovering that period before 1972, when the general public wasn't yet familiar with video games. This exploration is based on the book “La Préhistoire du jeu vidéo” by Damien Djaouti, published in 2019.
Keywords : Retrogaming, Video games
For Julian Alvarez, there's no doubt that studying games is a good idea. In fact, he is a teacher-researcher at the Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-France and at the Ecole Supérieure du Professorat et de l'Education in Lille. There, he studies games and their use in fields such as training, healthcare and marketing.However, his interest in games is probably rooted in his childhood. Julian Alvarez experienced three different approaches to teaching:In Spain, under Franco's re
Keywords : Teaching, Training, Game, Board game, Video game
Préhistoire du jeu vidéo Quel est le premier jeu vidéo ? Pour certains, il s'agit de PONG (1972). Pour d'autres, de Spacewar! (1962). Mais en vérité, il existe de nombreux jeux vidéo créés bien avant eux. Par exemple, le jeu du mouton et de la clôture, qui date de 1951. Ou encore le premier jeu informatique français, qui remonte à 1960. À travers ce livre illustré d
Keywords : history, prehistory, video games
Abstract Nowadays, large LED and OLED technology displays offer game experiences. As a result, the use of video projection must now be justified through other experiments. In this respect, the projection mapping trail is a path to explore. This chapter explores whether this is an area that can really be a privilege for video projection. It first defines what we mean by projection mapping game, and then identifies the main types of video mapping games and specifies the associated technologie
Keywords : Video game, Video mapping, Screens, Retrogaming
P0627THE PERIODIC TABLE FOR VIDEO GAME ANALYZISCHEMISTRY AND EDUCATION2. Tools in chemistry educationJ. Alvarez 1.,*Recherche Dept. / Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France - Devisu - Lille (France)*Corresponding author(s).Email: (J.Alvarez)Abstract This communication aims to present a formal deconstruction of video games in the form of various elementary elements called "Gameplay Bricks". To understand these elements and stu
Keywords : Atomic Approach, Gameplay, Taxinomy, Formalism, Periodic Table
This talk aims to establish a state of the art of video games associated with video mapping. This approach will lead us to identify a competition between video projection and screens through Led / Oled technologies. This technological competition, will be an opportunity to question the video game criteria with regard to the video game and to question the relevance of establishing the outgoing interface as a differentiating factor. Video
Keywords : Video game, Video mapping, Screens, Retrogaming, Videoprojection, Illusionism
This talk presents some ways in which retrogaming - the use of old video games or electronic games - can be used to understand the commercial failures of certain devices when they were first brought to market, or to reverse-engineer them. The idea is to draw lessons for the current development of innovative products in the field of games and serious gaming, to avoid repeating similar pitfalls or to find sources of inspiration. The conference concludes with a presentation of the concept of neo-re
Keywords : Serious game, Neo-retrogaming, Retrogaming, Video game, Model, Engineering, Reverse engineering, Electronic games