The aim of this presentation is to explain the social constructs and subjective perceptions associated with games. This necessarily leads to limitations in classifying games, whether at artifact or player level. In this way, we can understand why classification by Gameplay Brick (artifacts) or via the ESAR system (players) are unable to categorize games. To demonstrate this, an activity was proposed during the conference: ask participants to play games and come up with skills that could be assoc
Keywords : Game, Play, Taxinomy, Evaluation, Classification, Subjectivity, Social construct, ESAR
Presentation of VR concepts associated with the HSE field, and the challenges and prospects of these technologies, with concrete examples.1) Definitions of AR/VR/XR, based on game-related examples.2) Present and use applications dedicated to the HSE field3) Discuss how such technologies can be used in the workplace.
Keywords : Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Serious game, HSE
Conference dedicated to introducing you to the notions of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality. This presentation took place at GRETA of the Lille Metropolis as part of the Campuses des Métiers et de la qualification (CMQ) Customer Relations 3.0 and Tourism...
Keywords : Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Immersion, Definition
The aim of this paper is to present a lexicometric study identifying, between 1980 and 2019, the number of occurrences of the following 4 keywords: “joueuse”, “joueuses”, “joueur” and “joueurs” that can be identified in the French-language videogame press. In concrete terms, the corpus explored represents a set of 1,075 documents, the main titles of which are shown in Table 1. Statistical processing was carried out to check the validity of the data
Keywords : Female player, Male player, Female gamer, Male player, Gender stereotype, Video games press, Representation, Video game
This introductory keynote aimed to explain the definitions related to VR (Virtual Reality), AR (Augmented Reality) and XR (Mixed Reality) and then to discuss different approaches to try to immerse a person in a virtual environment. VIdéo link
Ludo Pedagogy – Why use it?Ludo Pedagogy is a pedagogical method that uses games or serious games. The simple fact of using games or serious games into a pedagogy, inscribes us in edutainment. Let us specify, however, that there are several ways of using games in a pedagogical framework. Thus for Yvan Hochet, we can teach "with", "by", "about" and "around" the game (Hochet, 2013). In a modern edutainment approach, the challenge is to teach "with
Keywords : Serious Game, Ludopedagogy, Education, Gamification, Edutainment
Abstract. This research studies the relationship that is established between a physical place (a museum and its works, in this case the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Lille - France) and its visitors, when the wandering is accompanied and guided by a tablet device. The dedicated application it supports, Muséo+, has been designed following a design for all approach and has been tested with 130 autistic, intellectually impaired, deaf, precocious and without handicap children. The study focu
Keywords : Virtual reality, Augmented reality, Serious game, Museum, Game, Interaction
This article deals with serious game design methods. More specifically, it focuses on the following question: is there any universal series of steps to design a serious game? Or is the availability of several different design methods unavoidable? To try to answer this question, we will study a corpus of ten design methods suited to Serious Games. Most of these theoretical tools are coming from or aimed to industry professionals. This literary review will allow us to perform a comparative
Keywords : game design, serious game, methodology, generic model
Préhistoire du jeu vidéo Quel est le premier jeu vidéo ? Pour certains, il s'agit de PONG (1972). Pour d'autres, de Spacewar! (1962). Mais en vérité, il existe de nombreux jeux vidéo créés bien avant eux. Par exemple, le jeu du mouton et de la clôture, qui date de 1951. Ou encore le premier jeu informatique français, qui remonte à 1960. À travers ce livre illustré d
Keywords : history, prehistory, video games
This paper aims to present the concept of Datagame, a category of Serious Game associated with data exchange. After having exposed the concept of Datagame, presented subcategories and associated titles, reviewed the notion of crowdsourcing, metrics and traces, we will explore if such games relativize the unproductive criteria of Caillois and if direct benefits could be addressed to players. Program
Keywords : Datagame, Serious Game, Metrics, Traces, Crowdsourcing, Benefits, Players