Recent developments in the field of HCI draw our attention to the potential of playful interfaces, play, and games. This chapter identifies a new but relevant application domain for playful interfaces (i.e. scientific practice involving image data). Given the thesis that play and playfulness are relevant for a researcher’s interaction with scientific images, the question remains: How do we design playful interfaces that support meaningful ways to playfully engage with scientific images? Th
Keywords : Games, Storytelling, Data
Les 4 et 5 juin 2013 s'est tenu le salon E-virtuoses, dédié au serious game et à tous ses usages. Julian Alvarez, chercheur au Play research lab, laboratoire R&D de la CCI Grand Hainaut et enseignant à l’université Lille 1, revient sur un concept clé pour l'enseignement supérieur, le serious gaming. A l'heure où la question de l’innovation pédagogique est de plus en plus présente dans l
Keywords : Serious game, Serious gaming, Education, Learning
Abstract : According to the french government, the video game industry has now reached a turnover of 3 billion euros (or 10% of the turnover of the french cultural industry), making it the second European country. This market could reach 3.8 billion by 2014, that is a 27% increase in 3 years. Video game was since always an entertaining technology, not requiring the player a significant interaction or intellectual investment result. Today, video games require more and more players to interac
Keywords : Video game, State of the art, History, Use, Innovation
(Broacasting our studies)