When analyzing past and existing trends, gamification has unarguably invaded the mainstream media in a more pervasive way than serious games. In the literature, there has been a wide range of meanings for gamification, some detractors abhorring the term to others stating it encompasses everything to do with games and entertainment. This inconsistent nomenclature and undefined scope has led to the erroneous belief that gamification and serious games are synonymous. The aim of this paper is to pre
Keywords : Serious game, Gamification
AbstractThis article analyzes Free Rice within the context of “the rise of the ludic sublime,” where video games are hailed as the solution to highly sophisticated political problems. As part of what we call practices of “philitainment,” Free Rice, we argue, functions within the political domain of what Jodi Dean has termed “communicative capitalism” and therefore both captures resistance and actually solidifies global capitalism. Ultimately, th
Keywords : Digital Games, Critical Theory, Governmentality, Philitainment, Development
Abstract Sign language is the form of communication used by Deaf people, which, in most cases have been learned since childhood. The problem arises when a non-Deaf tries to contact with a Deaf. For example, when nonDeaf parents try to communicate with their Deaf child. In most cases, this situation tends to happen when the parents did not have time to properly learn sign language. This dissertation proposes the teaching of sign language through the usage of serious games. Currently, similar
Keywords : Natural User Interface, Sign Language, Serious Game, Kinect Sensor, Image Processing
Abstract —Since 2002, serious games have received much attention from industry, government and the research community. However, the large number of definitions available still present limitations in terms of contexts and games classification. Indeed, these definitions exclude certain types of games and do not cover certain contexts where serious games could be deployed. Therefore this paper introduces a shift in the interpretation of serious games, allowing a more flexible definition
This study aims at analyzing the influence of 3-D interaction on learning a foreign language from an experiment conducted with German language learners. The objective is to draw empirical evidence on the usefulness of Virtual Reality technologies in the conception of a serious game. The results of the empirical study show a positive influence of 3D interaction on lexical short-term memorization, but did not revealed a significant influence on long-term memorization. The study also highlights the
Keywords : Serious game, Virtual reality, Learning, Languages, Interaction
Abstract Serious games are an innovative way for tackling design objectives in a variety of IS contexts. In this paper, we explore the use of an online serious game for idea assessment in companies, an approach that is not covered in scientific literature so far. Thereby, we contribute to understanding (i) whether serious games can add to overcoming challenges in the area of idea assessment, and, (ii) whether there are potential biases of the game towards more incremental or radical ideas w
Keywords : Big Five, Experiment, Idea Assessment, Personality Traits, Serious Games, Service Innovation, Team Formation
Introduction (Broacasting our studies)
Introduction by Julian Alvarez & Pascal StacciniSince 2002, the Serious game has been attracting growing interest thanks to the prospects it promises to offer in terms of prevention, training, education, learning, therapy, communication, training, data collection and so on. Valenciennes has been hosting the e-virtuoses since 2008. This is an event with international ambitions, designed to bring together players interested in Serious games, simulation and e-learning. The main sectors addresse
Keywords : Serious game, Serious gaming, Conferences, SEGAMED, e-virtuoses, Health, Education, Communication
Genre is an important feature for organizing and accessing video games. However, current descriptors of video game genres are unstandardized, undefined, and embedded with multiple information dimensions. This paper describes the development of a more complex and sophisticated scheme consisting of 12 facets and 358 foci for describing and representing video game genre information. Using facet analysis, the authors analyzed existing genre labels from scholarly, commercial, and popular sources, and
Keywords : Genre, Facet analysis, Video Games, Interactive media
=====================Résumé de la présentation=====================Selon la BNF, depuis 2014, le Ministère de la Culture tient à ce que nous privilégions le vocable « jeu sérieux » à la place de « Serious Game ». Il convient cependant de souligner qu’une telle traduction introduit une subtilité. En effet, dans la langue française, la notion de « jeu »
Keywords : Serious game
Cette présentation expose à un public génraliste un petit résumé de l'histoire des Serious Games. Programme de la journée : Cette nouvelle forme de communication et d’apprentissage, issue des jeux vidéo, se retrouve peu à peu dans tous les domaines de notre vie, de l’école au travail, en passant par notre santé ou notre citoyenneté. D’où viennent-ils, quels sont leurs usages, comment l
Keywords : Serious Game, History