Abstract : Nos travaux de recherche se situent principalement dans le domaine des Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain (EIAH). Les apprenants ont aujourd’hui accès à des plateformes éducatives sociales de plus en plus perfectionnées et complexes, et à un ensemble de ressources variées. Dans ce contexte, nos travaux visent à proposer des modèles et environnements informatiques pour favorise
Keywords : EIAH, Engagement utilisateur, Environnements réflexifs, Ludification adaptative, Analyse de traces
AbstractParallel, an innovative teaching and learning tool, was designed by a multidisciplinary team gathering together university and college professors, post-graduate students, teachers, as well as young adults and college students. The creation of Parallel, made possible fruitful collaboration between students, teachers and researchers. The collaborative experience was part of an effort to understand how a serious game on a mobile platform using augmented reality could be exploited in a forma
Keywords : Activity theory, Longlife learning, Physics, Mobile learning, Augmented reality
ABSTRACT Serious game provides an instructional tool to make the learning process more enjoyable, easier to memorize and effective. It combines pedagogy goals and game play to increase the participant interest and engagement compared to traditional methods. In this paper, we compare several methodologies of game design relative to our classification proposal; it can assist the analysis and evaluation of serious game design, we illustrate how this classification helps several actors of desi
Keywords : Comparative Study, Serious Game, Learning, Game Design
In this article, we describe a pedagogical experiment aimed at understanding the motivation drivers for the involvement of game design students in the development of serious game projects. This experiment was developed as a case study for the assessment of specific measures and hypotheses towards involving students in the design of a themed serious game (non-violence). Website of ECGBL 2016 ECGBL Program Read Paper
Keywords : Serious game, Serious Gaming, Serious Diverting, Serious Modding, Learning, Game design, Non-Violence, Video game
AbstractSerious Games are now an established field of study. In this field most would attribute the rise of Serious Games to Clark C Abt’s creation of the term in 1970, or indeed Ben Sawyer’s popularization of it in 2002. However, considering the rich history of purposing non-digital games, itself preceded by discussions of purposing play that are traceable to the work of Plato, it can be said that Serious Games is a contemporary manifestation of centuries old theories and practices.
Keywords : Serious games, Play, Simulation-based learning, Game-based learning, Games for social change, Games for health, Playful learning
AbstractThis chapter aims to provide the reader with basic knowledge about the experiment as a general method that can be applied towards serious games research and evaluation. It explains the main terms and rules of the experimental design, as well as points out the main risks and difficulties to avoid. The chapter also explains the differences in possible conclusions between true experiments, quasi-experiments, and correlational studies. References (1): Djaouti, D., Alvarez, J., Jess
Keywords : Experiment, Experimental design, Variables, Validity, Biases, Samples, Quasi-experiment, Correlational study
Development of a game in the form of software for game-based learning poses significant technical challenges for educators, researchers, game designers, and software engineers. The game development consists of a set of complex processes requiring multi-faceted knowledge in multiple disciplines such as digital graphic design, education, gaming, instructional design, modeling and simulation, psychology, software engineering, visual arts, and the learning subject area. Planning and managing such a
Keywords : Digital game development, Educational game development, Game development life cycle, Game development methodology, Game development processes, Game development workflows, Game software quality evaluation, Game-based learning
Abstract:The research in-progress presented in this paper proposes a holistic VR-based framework for participatory design of Serious Games for motor rehabilitation. The proposed framework is devised in layers that facilitate the mapping of game mechanics to playful therapeutic exercise games. The framework proposed can be disease agnostic and applies to a wider range of service users, regardless of their condition and motor functional capacity. The pilot study design for evaluating the proposed
Keywords : Games, Diseases, Systems architecture, Monitoring, Medical treatment, Stakeholders, Systems architecture
Serious games (SG) are computer-and video games with a primary focus other than entertainment. This is, they are made to educate, teach, inform and promote ideas. The current research focused on SGs' success factors and their emergence in SGs published in Finland in 2015. The research approach was qualitative and the research method was theory-based content analysis. First, the concepts of SG, SG design methodology and learning were discussed based on existing knowledge. Success factor related k
Keywords : Serious game, Success factor, Gaming experience, Content implementation, Implementation process, Analysis framework
For the Ludoscience team, it's very important to play if you want to practice Ludology.Having read a few articles mentioning the idea that Pokémon GO could promote the health of its users through the walking activity it elicits, we wanted to form our own opinion by playing the title. We took the game with us on vacation, in the countryside, in the mountains and in the city.This month-long test also gave us the opportunity to make a few observations in the field, which we'd like to share w
Keywords : Serious Game, Video game, Smartphone, Serious Gaming, Pokemon Go, Gameplay, Research