Games, MMOG-s (Massively Multiplayer On-Line Games), on-line social sites etc have become a major cultural and economic force. The main distinguishing features and attraction of these applications is their interactivity and emergent quality – participants constantly change the state of affairs with their actions. Gameplay, the resulting dynamic flow of events, is fascinating: this is like execution of an algorithm, where elementary actions are defined by game rules, but the logic, the flow
Keywords : Gameplay, Structure, On-line social , Games, MMOG-s (Massively Multiplayer On-Line Games)
The "Serious Games" field raises a specific need. People without professional game design skills, such as teachers, corporate trainers, therapists and advertising professionals, request tools that could allow them to create or modify such games. This article will analyze "Gaming 2.0" examples in order to identify tools that could help fulfill this need. Indeed, "Gaming 2.0" is a way for players to create videogame content without skills from the entertainment videog
Keywords : gaming 2.0, serious games, game design, level design, player-generated content
Abstract:A number of existing innovation paradigms and design approaches such as Open Innovation (Chesbrough, 2003), User Experience (Hassenzahl & Tractinsky, 2006) and User Centred Design (Von Hippel, 2005), as well as User Centred Open Innovation Ecosystem (Pallot, 2009a), are promoting distributed collaboration among organisations and user communities. However, project stakeholders are mainly trained for improving their individual skills through learning experience (i.e. practical exercis
Keywords : Experiential Service Platform, Serious Game, Learning Experience, User Experience, Living Lab, User Co-Creation, Collaborative Distance
A thick 600-pages book detailing the findings of a large scientific research project dedicated to the use of video games for education. The 26 chapters of this book are written like quite separate contributions, and address topics ranging from theory to practice, such as the design of educational video games or the study of their effects. A book warmly recommended to any researcher in the field thanks to very rich book contents, backed by an extensive literature review and several field experime
Keywords : serious game, education, theory, practice, design, literature review
This article focuses on tools that allow amateurs to create or modify videogames. In order to contribute to study the nature of game design, we will analyze games as crafted "artifacts". We will first review five categories of tools that allow creating games, in order to highlight the different "parts" games are made of. We will then use this empirical review to introduce a simple model of the inner structure of games: the ISICO model.
Keywords : game design, tools, game creation toolkit, mods, gaming 2.0
This book focuses on the design of "Casual Games", i.e. video games aimed to people playing them casually. The three first chapters deals with the definition of casual games, their professional creation process, and a broader study of the various play from they can offer. The nine following chapters are then dedicated to each sub-category of casual games: management, match-3, puzzles, hidden objects, construction, social games, etc. While the text is easy to read and understand, this b
Keywords : game design, casual games, examples, analysis, industry
Depuis quelques années, le concept de « Serious Game » est de plus en plus présent dans tous les évènements liés au e-learning. Mais est-il réellement nouveau ? Où se trouve la limite entre Jeu Vidéo et Serious Game ? Comment un jeu vidéo peut-il remplir des objectifs pédagogiques ? Autant de questions auxquelles répond Julian Alvarez.
Keywords : Serious Games, Retro Serious Games, Serious Play, Pedagogy
In this paper, we establish a link between video games and data collections. In particular, we examine video games as potential interfaces for collection exploration, i.e. as a platform for a more insightful and exploratory interaction with a repository. Furthermore, we question if a more structural relationship between the game and the collection is possible: Can we produce video games based on the structure of a repository? We explore these ideas on theoretical grounds and by means of a protot
Keywords : Video games, Data collections, Data exploration, Human Factors, Theory, Experimentation
Presentation of a study conducted from June 9, 2008 to September 8, 2009 at Orange Labs / France Telecom.The aim is to assess the impact of Serious Games (SG) on the general public and on France Telecom Group employees. The overall approach is written within the framework of customer relations (CR). The main challenges are to - help optimize customer relations management - To address new customers with a disruptive interaction. The study concerns 121 people who were subjected to a
Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Play, Impact, Message
This conference was part of a study day entitled “Serious Games: a new field of application for research? New markets for companies? It was organized by the Service Valorisation of Toulouse 2 le Mirail University.The presentation reviewed the history of Serious Games on videogame media from the 1950s to the 2000s. Figures were then presented to assess the size of the international Serious Game market. Sub-segments were reviewed: defense, training, healthcare, advertising...It was estimated
Keywords : Serious Game, Serious Gaming, Valorization, Market, Industry