This book is one of the most iconic texts on the use of video games for education. It aims to demonstrate stakeholders, teachers and other education professionals how video games can enhance learning. The book thus presents a lot of interesting examples coming from school education, adult education and defense. While the book tone is more evangelist than scientific, especially when read today, it remains a very rich and thought-provoking introduction to the "digital game-based learni
Keywords : game based learning, digital games, learning, examples
The catalogue from a British art exposition that took place in 1996. The art pieces and the artist' manifesto presented in the book openly aim to explore the expressive power of video games.
Keywords : art, exposition, museum, interaction, expression
This book describes a pioneering scientific experiment conducted by Yasmin Kafai in the Serious Games field. In 1994, for 6 months during 1 hour per day, she asked 4th grade students to design video games explaining the mathematical concept of "fraction" to 3rd graders. To create these games, the kids used the LOGO language they learned during the workshop. Through this experiment, the researcher observed that designing video games about "fractions" helped kids to master this
Keywords : serious game, constructionnisme, logo, scientific research
A new edition of the book that founded the "Serious Games" current. Clark Abt, an American researcher who studied computer simulation games for military training during the Cold War, highlights the potential of games for "serious" applications, such as education. Alongside with definition and studies, this book features a lot of games examples used for learning purposes (both inside or outside schools) on various supports: board games, card games, outside games, computer
Keywords : serious game, clark abt, definition, example, history
This book explains how to play a playful simulation of the inner US political system. It details the game rules, and how to play it with students, the game requiring only pens, paper, and several human players. Despite its age, this Serious Game is still used nowadays in Education, thanks to several updates since 2004. Its author, Donal Jansiewicz, chose to kept the game in a "non-digital" format, as he thinks that only human interactions are able to simulate the complexity of a politi
Keywords : serious game, politics, paper, simulation
The book that founded the "Serious Games" current. Clark Abt, an American researcher who studied computer simulation games for military training during the Cold War, highlights the potential of games for "serious" applications, such as education. Alongside with definition and studies, this book features a lot of games examples used for learning purposes (both inside or outside schools) on various supports: board games, card games, outside games, computer games, etc. A book th
Keywords : serious game, clark abt, definition, example, history