A shooting game casting you as a squirrel who must prevent GSM operators to destroy his beloved forest by shooting nuts at them. Be careful no to hit your homing pigeon friends who'll fly nearby.
Keywords : serious game, telecommunication, shooter
A "Picross" based puzzle game featuring telecommunication related pictures.
Keywords : serious game, telecommunication, puzzle
A satirical game where you play as the CEO of a GSM operator who must run over anti-GSM rioters.
Keywords : serious game, telecommunication, action
A Web 2.0 site dedicated to the evaluation of Serious Games. Visitor can play and rate a selection of Serious Games, and comment these games. http://www.seriousgamesopinions.org/ Publications related to this projet Julian Alvarez, Valérie Maffiolo "Etude de l'impact de communications électroniques basées sur le Serious game - 3ème approche" SEE / Revue REE, ISSN 1265-6534, n°4, 2011, p. 85, 2011. Site de la revue
Keywords : serious game, rating
Since the first days of the Serious Gaming industry, many Serious Games dedicated to Healthcare were released. However, all these games don’t serve the same purpose, nor they target the same audience. This article tries to propose an approach suited to handle the variety of such Serious Games. Starting from general definitions of Serious Games, we will build a taxonomy of Healthcare-related to Serious Games accompanied with several examples.
Keywords : Serious Game, Retro Serious Game, Taxonomy, Healthcare, Prevention
We took part in the organization of Serious Game creation contest ran by Whosegame, a website owned by Orange. Constestant had to design a videogame dealing whith one of the following topics:Les participants devaient imaginer et réaliser un jeu vidéo traitant d'une des thématiques suivantes : Improving one's knowledge of telecommunications. Being an eco-citizen with the help of telecommunication technologies. - Acting against isolation and exclusion thanks to
Keywords : serious game, contest
During this joint talk with Ben Sawyer, we presented a deep look on the classification of Serious Games, and the possible links between videogames-related and serious games-related classification systems. Talk slides (space bar or left / right to navigate) Video recording of the talk (4 parts)
Keywords : classification, serious games
Keywords : Serious Games, Learning
Acces to a 3000 Serious Games classifications sorted by authors, years of creation, markets...
Keywords : Serious games