Formation. L’université du Mirail a consacré, le 23 octobre, une journée aux « serious games », une formule qui s’appuie sur les jeux vidéos pour réaliser de la formation. Une niche de marché récemment mise en avant par un appel à projet du ministère de l’économie...
Keywords : Serious Games, Compagny
This conference was part of a study day entitled “Serious Games: a new field of application for research? New markets for companies? It was organized by the Service Valorisation of Toulouse 2 le Mirail University.The presentation reviewed the history of Serious Games on videogame media from the 1950s to the 2000s. Figures were then presented to assess the size of the international Serious Game market. Sub-segments were reviewed: defense, training, healthcare, advertising...It was estimated
Keywords : Serious Game, Serious Gaming, Valorization, Market, Industry
Post-doctoral thesis carried out from June 9, 2008 to September 8, 2009 at Orange Labs / France Télécom.The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of Serious Games (SG) on the general public and on employees of the France Telecom group. The overall approach is written within the framework of Customer Relationship (CR), which is orchestrated by OR Tools for Customer Relationship. The main challenges are to- To help optimize customer relationship management with the aim of obtai
Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Play, Impact, Customer Relationship
An interview of Emmanuel Forsans, CEO of AFJV. In the 80's and 90's he designed Retro SG. Pix'n Love n°9 (p. 24 to 29).
Keywords : Serious Games, Retro SG, Retro Serious Games, Interview
Website dedicated to the Serious Games'analyse
Keywords : Serious games
Keywords : videogame, education, serious game
The creation and development of multimedia devices destined for the general public pose many questions for designers. In this article we present two multimedia applications – a Serious Play and a Serious Game – which were part of an experiment performed in 2006. This article will present both devices designed specifically for the promotion of a prehistoric heritage site – the Gargas caves – and describe how they were received by the general public. The aim of this task wa
Keywords : Serious Game, Cultural Heritage, Prehistory