(Broacasting our studies)
On September 8, 2016, as part of the SAMSEI (Stratégies d'Apprentissages des Métiers de Santé en Environnement Immersif) Lyon Summer School organized within the University of Lyon, a workshop named “Point sur le jeu sérieux” (Druette, 2016) was offered. During this workshop, which welcomed around fifty participants, mainly healthcare practitioners, we introduced the CEPAJe model for the first time. Developed during 2015, this model aims to explain, in part
Keywords : Serious Game, Evaluation, Health, Therapeutic scenario, Evaluative model, Therapeutic journey, Awareness
Abstract Serious games (SGs) are a very widespread training and evaluation device, employed in different sectors of school and adult education. In this study we aim to design and develop a SG for training and evaluating personals working in aseptic environment. We will present in this research the theoretical basis needed for that design process. We will define a holistic and united model (PEGADE), which describes the collaborative and optimal process to conceive SGs and which is constructe
Keywords : Serious game, Serious game Design, Simulation, Gamification, Instructional Design, Virtual Reality
Abstract : Nos travaux de recherche se situent principalement dans le domaine des Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain (EIAH). Les apprenants ont aujourd’hui accès à des plateformes éducatives sociales de plus en plus perfectionnées et complexes, et à un ensemble de ressources variées. Dans ce contexte, nos travaux visent à proposer des modèles et environnements informatiques pour favorise
Keywords : EIAH, Engagement utilisateur, Environnements réflexifs, Ludification adaptative, Analyse de traces
(Broacasting our studies)
Qu'est-ce que la simulation appliquée au domaine médical? En quoi aide-t-elle à organiser dans la réalité le travail en équipe lors, par exemple, d'un arrêt cardiaque, d'un accident vasculaire cérébral ou d'une blessure par balle? Références (1) : Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti "Introduction au Serious Game", Questions théoriques, 2010.
AbstractParallel, an innovative teaching and learning tool, was designed by a multidisciplinary team gathering together university and college professors, post-graduate students, teachers, as well as young adults and college students. The creation of Parallel, made possible fruitful collaboration between students, teachers and researchers. The collaborative experience was part of an effort to understand how a serious game on a mobile platform using augmented reality could be exploited in a forma
Keywords : Activity theory, Longlife learning, Physics, Mobile learning, Augmented reality
In this article, we try to show the links between play and ethics, based on the design of a serious game aimed at training students to the social professions, health and education. This is to meet the innovations of this educational tool in teaching professional ethics and new opportunities it offers, provided, enroll in a pragmatism perspective. First, the article refers to the distinction between ethics and professional conduct to emphasize, building on Dewey, that it is in situated actions th
Keywords : Professional Ethics, Serious Game, Pragmatism, Dewey
(Broacasting our studies)
The digital version of the Serious Game (SG) represents an attractive and undoubtedly relevant teaching tool and resource in the right contexts and situations. Nevertheless, the idea of exposing undergraduates to screens in order to benefit from digital SGs is questionable. Serge Tisseron warns us about children's screen consumption. In the school environment, screen exposure is undoubtedly added to that of domestic consumption. If the latter is already excessive, the school could find itself in
Keywords : Serious game, Learning, Logo, Robotics, Experimentation, Kindergarten, Algorithms
Abstract:There has been a constant increase in the number of serious games. In recent years, they have become extremely important within the scientific community and their repercussions on industry have been reflected in exponential growth in terms of their economic impact. The term serious game covers an extremely wide range of video games all with very different purposes and with many different areas of application. One of the most prolific areas is the field of education and many research pap
Keywords : Games, Unified modeling language, Proposals, Education, Avatars, Software, Adaptation models
Abstract:There has been a constant increase in the number of serious games. In recent years, they have become extremely important within the scientific community and their repercussions on industry have been reflected in exponential growth in terms of their economic impact. The term serious game covers an extremely wide range of video games all with very different purposes and with many different areas of application. One of the most prolific areas is the field of education and many research pap
Keywords : Games, Unified modeling language, Proposals, Education, Avatars, Software, Adaptation models
ABSTRACT Serious game provides an instructional tool to make the learning process more enjoyable, easier to memorize and effective. It combines pedagogy goals and game play to increase the participant interest and engagement compared to traditional methods. In this paper, we compare several methodologies of game design relative to our classification proposal; it can assist the analysis and evaluation of serious game design, we illustrate how this classification helps several actors of desi
Keywords : Comparative Study, Serious Game, Learning, Game Design