L’objectif de ce poster est d’étudier l’évolution du nombre d’occurrences associées aux mots-clés « Serious Games » et « Gamification », notamment durant la période 2019 à 2022. Ceci a pour but d’éprouver une hypothèse selon laquelle associer du jeu à des visées utilitaires s’inscrirait désormais dans un discours en reconstruction au sens de
Keywords : Serious game, Analyse
The “Serious Games” days, organized in early April by ITM in Paris, brought together teachers-researchers and professionals to discuss the design and use of educational games.Estelle Prior presented a systematic review identifying seven major difficulties in the collaborative design of educational games, as well as levers for overcoming them. Elsa Paukovics explored the role of metaphors in educational games, illustrated by the game Geome, and proposed recommendations for enriching t
Keywords : Museums, Ludicization, Co-design, Serious games
Why use games in schools, extracurricular activities and associations? Can games help us learn? What skills can be acquired through play? We invite you to the Canopé 972 workshop on November 30 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.! Come and discover the “Lab'Ludopédagogie”, a space dedicated to experimentation, exchange and sharing around play. Morning: Conferences/discussions with Julian Alvarez (in person or online) 
Keywords : Ludopedagogy, Edutainment, Serious game
Conference combined with an edutainment activity “La soupe à l'oignon” (Overcooked! video game) to introduce the audience to structuring an edutainment session using video games.
Keywords : Training engineering, Ludopedagogy, Edutainment, Serious game, Cooperation, Cooking, Pedagogy, Video game
In France, 25% of the population plays games on a regular basis (monthly or weekly), and the board game sector has seen double-digit growth in recent years. In this fast-growing world, escape games are taking center stage. Escape game rooms are springing up in towns and cities (+32% since 2019, despite the health crisis), and card games of the same type (unlock, descapes, exit...) are now legion. This has naturally inspired people wanting to create serious games. Today, you'll find escapade game
Keywords : Escape game, Serious game, Education escape game, Ludopedagogy, Pedagogy, Edutainment
Study day dedicated to Art and neuroscience. In this context, the aim of the conference was to explain the concepts of Gamification, Ludopedagogy, Serious Game and Serious Gaming.
Keywords : Gamification, Serious game, Video game, Ludopedagogy, Edutainment, Serious gaming, Art, Neuroscience
From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. (remotely with screening): a great moment of fun, exchanges and interactivity with renowned scientists (Scientists' Symposium led by the Guilde des Ludopédagogues Francophones):Playful intervention by Professor Julian Alvarez: "Ludopedagogy: let's play together to understand" (30 min)Presentation by Dr. Philippe Lépinard - "The teacher's room toy library!" (15 min)Rex on the 2021/2022 Scientific Game Jam (science comes into play) by Johan C
Keywords : Ludopedagogy, Edutainment, Training, Serious game, Gamification
The aim of this conference is to clarify the notions of Gamification, Ludo-pedagogy and Serious Gaming.These approaches will be illustrated by activities or concrete examples, to help us understand their nuances.Once these elements have been presented, the idea will be to discuss the approaches presented with participants, in order to assess their relevance. See video: https://www.canal-u.tv/134040 Link
Keywords : Ludopedagogy, Edutainement, Serious game, Serious gaming, Ludification
Workshop designed to introduce participants to how to structure a fun educational session through a concrete illustration: setting up a fun activity involving video games. The objective is to make them understand the concept of the three educational stages: introducing, facilitating and debriefing the activity to maximize the chances of achieving the useful goals.
Keywords : Video game, Pedagogy, Ludopedagogy, Edutainment, Serious game, Gamification, Structuring
Abstract— While the serious game concept has considerably evolved in the last two decades, it still needs to be clearly differentiated from other types of artifacts. Thus, there is a degree of confusion about the relationship between serious games and other related applications such as simulators or the re-purposing of entertainment games within educational practices for most outside the domain. This article proposes a formal approach toward classifying Games, Toys, Serious Games, Serious
Keywords : Formal definition, Health, Health Game, Serious Game, Serious Modding, Serious Re-purposing, Serious Toy, Simulator