Julian Alvarez, PhD in information and communication sciences and associate professor at Lille, took a look at the pedagogical approach to digital serious games and their evaluation in the healthcare sector.Using a digital serious game as a starting point, he reviewed the notions of context, objectives, interest and evaluation.He went on to present “serious play design”, with its notions of means, ends and motivational levers.
When we think of play, we first think of a childish activity whose sole purpose is to entertain. But the proof is in the pudding: adults play! Whether it's trading cards or video games, gaming isn't just for kids! In fact, it's even become serious. In this episode, Julian Alvarez, a doctor in information and communication sciences specializing in Serious Games and Gamification dedicated to education, health and communication, explains what a Serious Game is, and the educational issue
Keywords : Serious game, Game, Play, Toy, Children, Video game, Board games
Presentation intended to illustrate research work at the Gériico laboratory linked to the instrumentalization of games, particularly in the context of business and at school. The objective is to open up research perspectives to be developed within the laboratory and in particular with axis 3.
Keywords : Serious game, Game, Instrumentalization, Ethics
What is the aim of using games at work? How far can we go with this approach? Does it work? What are the ethical issues involved in using games in the workplace? In this seminar, we'll be tackling these questions with Julian Alvarez, a teacher-researcher in Information and Communication Sciences specializing in edutainment. Link to video
Keywords : Ethics, Security, HSE, Serious game
This chapter describes the CEPAJe model, which is used to design and evaluate an edutainment sequence. In concrete terms, it presents the CEPAJe model, and illustrates with examples of the use of serious games how it can be used to prepare, upstream, an educational sequence. How it can be used to prepare an edutainment session upstream, and then to evaluate the session downstream, so that the activity can be the activity for the next time.
Keywords : Serious game, Play based learning, Evaluation, CEPAJe
Conference given at the Nantes University Hospital for an audience specialized in dentistry. The objective is to raise participants' awareness of educational practices, possible counter-effects and ethical aspects.
Keywords : Serious game, Game, Ethics, Counter-effects, Teaching practices, Ludopedagogy, Edutainment
Web conference designed to introduce participants to edutainment. The conference reviews the concepts of serious games, interpretive gaps, edutainment sequences and evaluative models.
Keywords : Interpretive gaps, Ludopedagogy, Edutainment, Serious game, Evaluation, CEPAJe, Colectyng, Model
(Broacasting our studies)
Suzon Beaussant, Julian Alvarez and David Pernot shed light on the use of games in a professional setting. In an interactive setting led by Thomas Quentin, game facilitator, a battle is proposed on 2 themes chosen by the participants on the Klaxoon tool. Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdJopkWJ2O8 00:00 Introduction 05:14 Questions for debate 10:05 Instructions for the battles 12:47 Battle 1 “In what situations should play be used in a professional context? 39:37 Battl
Keywords : Serious game, Work, Professional framework, Game, Play
The aim of this interactive conference is to enable participants to experience a video game-based edutainment session, and then to understand the concepts and theoretical approaches involved. This approach will provide an opportunity to discuss the notions of serious games, interpretive gaps, PPP Grid, the structuring of an edutainment session and the CEPAJe model.
Keywords : Serious game, Colectyng, CEPAJe, Evaluation, Model, Video game, Ludopedagogy, PPP Grid
Conference aimed at discussing the possible counter-effects when practicing educational games.
Keywords : Ludopedagogy, Edutainment, Counter-effects, Pratices, Game, Play, Serious game