Video games allow complex systems modelling, revealing retroaction loops, replicating self-organization and the emergence of hierarchical organization, functional differentiation and social segregation through multi-level interactions. Recent trends focus on improving modelling tools’ graphic quality and interface attractiveness and on using video games to facilitate urban studies teaching and research. This apparent convergence between simulation and video games is addressed through a sel
Keywords : Video games, Modelling, Simulation, Models, Representation, Self-organisation, Emergence, Urban studies
Chapiter dedicated to Serious games typology in " LES JEUX VIDÉO comme objet de recherche" from Samuel Rufat and Hovig Ter Minassian. Les Jeux Vidéo comme objet de recherche L>P, Questions Théoriques format : 140 x 200, 200 pages 12,50 euros ISBN-10: 2917131063 ISBN-13: 978-2917131060
Keywords : Video games, Serious games, Scientific Research
This scientific book gathers contributions from 12 researchers, coming from different fields, who are studying different sides of videogames: identification of the Game Designer knowledge, using videogames in schools, space in videogames, how to dissect a videogame to analyze it, analysis of MMORPG as social spaces...N.B.: The members of Ludoscience wrote a chapter of this book, about "Serious Games".
Keywords : scientific research, education, sociology, computer science, geography
While video games have become a major cultural practice, we still know little about the diversity of the video game audiences and their practices. Identifying the main issues in the reticularization of the territories in which video game are used, and rising above normative debates on violence and addiction, requires a multidisciplinary approach, at the interface between social and cultural geography, and the sociology of cultural practices. The analysis of video games as spatial systems enable
Keywords : Cultural practice, Network, Space, Territory, Video game
(Broacasting our studies)
(Broacasting our studies)
ROUND TABLE ORGANIZED BY CAFE PEDAGOGIQUEWhile serious games have made inroads into vocational training in France and schools elsewhere, they are still struggling to make inroads into French schools. What's the state of play in France? In which disciplines is it effective? What resistance is there? How can teachers reuse corporate experience?Moderator:François Jarraud, editor-in-chief, Café pédagogiqueSpeakers:Julien LLanas, history and geography teacher,Damian Nolan, CEO of
Keywords : Serious Games, Pedagogy
This conference was part of a study day entitled “Serious Games: a new field of application for research? New markets for companies? It was organized by the Service Valorisation of Toulouse 2 le Mirail University.The presentation reviewed the history of Serious Games on videogame media from the 1950s to the 2000s. Figures were then presented to assess the size of the international Serious Game market. Sub-segments were reviewed: defense, training, healthcare, advertising...It was estimated
Keywords : Serious Game, Serious Gaming, Valorization, Market, Industry
(Broacasting our studies)
Le jeu sérieux : un nouvel horizon pour l'Ecole ? Entretien avec Julian Alvarez Par François JarraudDe temps en temps, une thèse déplace la réflexion habituelle sur l'Ecole et lui ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre. C'est le cas de la recherche de Julian Alvarez sur le "jeu sérieux" (serious game). Elevé lui-même dans 3 systèmes éducatifs différents, il a retenu de son éducation suédoise l'id&e
Keywords : teaching, serious game