(Broacasting our studies)
Participation in the organizing committee of the AREF 2013 conference.
Keywords : aref 2013, organizing
Keywords : serious games, education
Le play Research lab est un laboratoire de Recherche & développement (R&d), de la cci grand Hainaut, dédié à la ludologie spécialisé dans l’évaluation de jeux (Serious games, jeux thérapeutiques, edugames, advergames...), d’utilisateurs de jeux (bilan de compétences, diagnostics, expériences...), de projets (cahiers des charges, prototypes de jeux...). • d’écosystèmes co
Keywords : Serious game, Play, Research, Ludology, Laboratory
Serious games are becoming increasingly important in Education. Generally, the creation of a serious game must take into account both the gaming aspects and the educational aspects from the beginning of the design. An other approach is increasingly used: gamification. It allows to add fun aspects to an already existing application. In addition, players have different sensitivities regarding the use of some&nb
Keywords : Gamification, Personalisation, Memorisation, Help
To develop a complex learning game, it is necessary to use an iterative design methodology, since the design task is particularly challenging. Within an ongoing project that uses such a methodology, for each iteration and for each part of the game, four dimensions are analyzed: ludic, epistemic, ergonomic and contextual. Some questions regarding assessment in this context are raised, especially regarding the balance
Keywords : Learning video game, Instructional game design, Evaluation, Iterative design
(Broacasting our studies)
Journée d’études sur le Serious Game 7 décembre, MSH Paris Nord Labex ICCA (Industries de la Culture et Création Artistique) Résumé Dans le cadre du groupe de recherche sur le Serious Game du Labex Industries culturelles et création artistique (ICCA), cette journée d’études vise à présenter et discuter des approches théoriques et méthodologiques en se penchant &ag
Abstract : According to the french government, the video game industry has now reached a turnover of 3 billion euros (or 10% of the turnover of the french cultural industry), making it the second European country. This market could reach 3.8 billion by 2014, that is a 27% increase in 3 years. Video game was since always an entertaining technology, not requiring the player a significant interaction or intellectual investment result. Today, video games require more and more players to interac
Keywords : Video game, State of the art, History, Use, Innovation
INTRODUCTION Les jeux vidéo sont, en apparence, aisément appropriables. Ils constituent un objet culturel porteur de nombreux discours normatifs, souvent très polarisés (les jeux vidéo c’est… beau/rigolo/idiot etc.) Dans les années 1980, les discours de dénonciation étaient dominants, utilisant les mêmes arguments que les critiques antérieures adressées aux médias de masse (télévisi
AbstractFor lack of a real definition, comparable to the one of which sports were the object, the conventional said games remain an object to the apparently consensual limits, but in reality, particularly vague. This uncertainty is due to a lack of serious questioning of presuppositions found in Huizinga’s and Caillois’s founding definitions. It does not allow an appropriation of games by the social sciences, with the goal of studying the countless terms of their usage. As a remedy,
Keywords : Game, Definition, Sport, Appropriation