In this new episode, Dr. Ludus explores the concept of the "video toy", as described by researcher Stéphane Natkin in 2003 in his book "Video Games and Media in the 21st Century". How does the concept of "video toy" differ from that of "video game"?That's what Machine and Dr. Ludus explain in this new episode. Find out more about the concept of a video toy: (pp
Keywords : Toy, Video toy
Abstract : This thesis begins by questioning the legitimacy and durability of the serious game. For this, we propose to explore both Serious Game and Serious Play. Indeed, the association of Game Studies and Play Studies is, in our opinion, a complementary and necessary approach to hope to conduct such analysis. These aspects specified, this thesis explores the possibility of using game to assign to it utilitarian objectives. The concepts of Serious Gaming, Serious Game design, Gamification
Keywords : Gamification, Game Based Learning, Serious Game, Serious Gaming, Serious Play, Serious Playing, Ludopedagogy, Ungamification
P0627THE PERIODIC TABLE FOR VIDEO GAME ANALYZISCHEMISTRY AND EDUCATION2. Tools in chemistry educationJ. Alvarez 1.,*Recherche Dept. / Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France - Devisu - Lille (France)*Corresponding author(s).Email: (J.Alvarez)Abstract This communication aims to present a formal deconstruction of video games in the form of various elementary elements called "Gameplay Bricks". To understand these elements and stu
Keywords : Atomic Approach, Gameplay, Taxinomy, Formalism, Periodic Table
20181019-Séminaire de recherche en robotique pédagogique avec Julian Alvarez et Katell BellegardeMatin: 9:30h Bienvenue9:45h Protocoles de recherche en robotique pédagogique CréaCube (ANR CreaMaker) et BisouxBlueBots (SmartEdTech et enseignants-chercheurs LINE).10:15 Présentation du projet BlueBot à l'ESPE de Lille de 9h45 à 10h45h puis échanges sur les suites et préparation des appels à projets à venir (
(Broacasting our studies)
This paper first presents the elaboration of the CEPAJe model, which aims at evaluating a pedagogical activity in a reflexive or non-reflexive way. This elaboration, uses a hypothetico-deductive approach and is based on the enrichment of the grid proposed by Sara de Freitas and Martin Oliver in 2006. In parallel, we convene the ESAR system of Denise Garon dating from 1985. In a second part, CEPAJe is described to understand its structure and its various dimensions. Finally, in a third part we pr
Keywords : Serious Game, Game, Model, Assessment, Training, Teaching, Ludo-pedagogy, Activity
(Broacasting our studies)
Abstract : Nos travaux de recherche se situent principalement dans le domaine des Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain (EIAH). Les apprenants ont aujourd’hui accès à des plateformes éducatives sociales de plus en plus perfectionnées et complexes, et à un ensemble de ressources variées. Dans ce contexte, nos travaux visent à proposer des modèles et environnements informatiques pour favorise
Keywords : EIAH, Engagement utilisateur, Environnements réflexifs, Ludification adaptative, Analyse de traces