These days, we're seeing an increase in references to the culture of games and video games. It's in this context that we find the phenomenon of gamification. But is it aimed exclusively at gaming enthusiasts, or is it open to all? To find out, let's play! The rules are simple: take a look at Camille's day below. Each time you come across the symbols * @ & #, ask yourself if the sentence matches you. If so, count the symbol in question. Early in the morning, the clock radio plays 8-bit mu
Keywords : Serious game, Game, Gamification
(Broacasting our studies)
This first of January 2017 was the occasion for Ludoscience to test the Playstation VR. Here's a look back at our observations and experiences with various titles associated with this technology. First of all, we tested the “Playstation VR Worlds” compilation and in particular the title: “Ocean Descent”, which invites us to visit the ocean depths. Protected by a cage, you descend little by little into the depths, contemplating the aquatic landscapes. Right from
Keywords : Video game, Virtual Reality, Playstation VR, Helmet, VR Helmet, Vertigo, Motion Sickness, Nausea
This book presents 100 music albums based on famous video games original soundtracks. The author reviews each album over two pages, featuring beautiful illustrations. The author successfully shares his passion for video game music through this book. The text is easy to read and full of interesting information. My only complaint lies in the author's choice to focus on game OST published in separate CDs, which tends to heavily bend his OST selection towards Japanese console games, and J-RPG in par
Keywords : music, video game, album
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to explore emergent learning in relation to playful interactions and instances of serious game conceptualization when combining the emerging and next generation technologies of ambient awareness with wireless grids. A review of the literature is presented for playful interactions and serious games in relation to ambient awareness and wireless grids. Using a case study approach and multiple methods of quantitative and qualitative data collection, the stu
Keywords : Ambient awareness, Ambient learning, Autonomy, Edgeware, Emergent learning, Emotion/affect, Playful interactions, Serious games
Introduzione Condurre una ricerca sull’apprendimento attraverso le nuove tecnologie è abbastanza rischioso dal momento che l’evoluzione in questo campo è così rapida che nel giro di pochi anni il nostro studio potrebbe risultare obsoleto. Molti trentenni cresciuti in Italia ricorderanno quando a scuola le insegnanti facevano registrare conversazioni o letture di dialoghi con il vecchio mangianastri per poi dare la possibilità agli studenti di riascolt
INTRODUCTION Les jeux vidéo sont, en apparence, aisément appropriables. Ils constituent un objet culturel porteur de nombreux discours normatifs, souvent très polarisés (les jeux vidéo c’est… beau/rigolo/idiot etc.) Dans les années 1980, les discours de dénonciation étaient dominants, utilisant les mêmes arguments que les critiques antérieures adressées aux médias de masse (télévisi
Ce numéro de Muzax va vous faire découvrir l’univers des « Serious Games ». Pour la première fois dans Muzax, je recevais 3 invités. Julian Alvarez, Docteur en science de l'information et de la communication. Damien Djaouti, Doctorant en Art et Informatique à l’Université de Toulouse. Et Olivier Batiste, grand joueur de jeux vidéo, ancien rédacteur et co-équipier dans l’&eacut
Keywords : Serious games
A french radio, France Culture, had organised November the 13th 2009 a half hour debate around Serious Games and Political Games.
Keywords : Serious Games, Political Games