This paper, of a hypothetico-deductive nature, proposes first to provide a state of the art of games hijacked for educational and health purposes, then to define the concepts of Serious Diverting and Serious Modding to introduce a typology of games hijacked for utilitarian purposes. Once we've covered these elements, we'll examine the appropriation of these diverted games by players in the world of education and health. The idea is to identify common and specific elements for each ecosystem invo
Keywords : Serious game, Video game, Serious gaming, Health, Education, Appropriation, Health game, Edugame
In this article, we describe a pedagogical experiment aimed at understanding the motivation drivers for the involvement of game design students in the development of serious game projects. This experiment was developed as a case study for the assessment of specific measures and hypotheses towards involving students in the design of a themed serious game (non-violence). Website of ECGBL 2016 ECGBL Program Read Paper
Keywords : Serious game, Serious Gaming, Serious Diverting, Serious Modding, Learning, Game design, Non-Violence, Video game
(Broacasting our studies)
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(Broacasting our studies)
Abstract. This paper presents the findings from a study aimed at understanding whether video games (or serious games) can be effective in enhancing volcanic hazard education and communication. Using the eastern Caribbean island of St. Vincent, we have developed a video game – St. Vincent’s Volcano – for use in existing volcano education and outreach sessions. Its twin aims are to improve residents’ knowledge of potential future eruptive hazards (ash fall, pyroclastic
Keywords : Volcanic, Serious game, Videogames
(Broacasting our studies)
Our research question can be formulated as follows: what is transmitted and learned with so-called “serious” games, and what does this teach us about the relationship between learning and transmitting as it is thought and experienced today? To answer this question, we need to define the serious games used in this contribution, the population concerned, the methodological approach used and the theoretical frame of reference used. The games selected were developed by a company (3DDUO)
Keywords : Serious game, Transfer, Mathematics, Math
En 2002, l’armée US propose America’s Army, un Serious Game qui correspondrait aujourd’hui à un “Call of Duty" ou “Battlefield”. Sauf que… America’s Army est diffusé gratuitement sur Internet, et téléchargé sans surprise par plusieurs millions de joueurs dans le monde !
Keywords : Serious game, Serious Gaming, Serious Diverting, Serious Modding, Level design, Game design
L'E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo), le plus grand salon annuel du jeu vidéo, se tiendra cette semaine du 14 au 16 juin au Los Angeles Convention Center à Los Angeles. Il réunira des journalistes du monde entier, et sera le théâtre d'annonces des nouveautés et exclusivités des plus grands éditeurs (Microsoft, Ubisoft, Sony, Nintendo) qui modèleront l'univers vidéoludique pour l'année toute entière.
Keywords : Video game, Industry, Virtual Reality, Nintendo, Playstation, Xbox
(Broacasting our studies)
Si les serious games font l’objet de nombreuses expériences de terrain dans l’enseignement primaire et secondaire, ils restent suspects aux yeux d’une partie de la communauté éducative. Que penser de leur potentiel éducatif ? Qu’en dit la recherche ? Quels jeux choisir et comment les utiliser en classe pour favoriser l’apprentissage ? Cet ouvrage répond à ces questions de manière claire et synth&eacu
Keywords : Serious game, Edugame, Ludopedagogy, Education, School, Serious Toy, Learning