This paper first presents the elaboration of the CEPAJe model, which aims at evaluating a pedagogical activity in a reflexive or non-reflexive way. This elaboration, uses a hypothetico-deductive approach and is based on the enrichment of the grid proposed by Sara de Freitas and Martin Oliver in 2006. In parallel, we convene the ESAR system of Denise Garon dating from 1985. In a second part, CEPAJe is described to understand its structure and its various dimensions. Finally, in a third part we pr
Keywords : Serious Game, Game, Model, Assessment, Training, Teaching, Ludo-pedagogy, Activity
AbstractThis paper aims at identifying the counsels that are necessary to achieve the Realization, Dissemination and Use of a Serious Game. In our opinion, these counsels are an additional facet for all Serious Game projects in order to target their ownership adoption and appropriate use (as intended by its designers) in a dedicated ecosystem (School, Hospital …). We propose to classify all these counsels in three main categories: R for Realization, D for Dissemination, and U for Use. By
Keywords : Counsels, Serious Game, Model, Ecosystem, Typology, Learning
Panneau de gestion des cookiesPasser au contenu principalRecherchVous êtes ici:AccueilCoursEnseigner avec les Serious GamesEnseigner avec les Serious GamesRéf. 08007CatégorieEducation et formationCatégorieNumérique et technologieDurée : 7 semainesEffort : 14 heuresRythme: ~2 heures/semaineAucune session ouverteCe que vous allez apprendreÀ la fin de ce cours, vous saurez :Découvrir la notion de « Serious Game » et les diffé
Introduction Depuis Septembre 2016, le Paris St Germain[1], puis l’AS Monaco[2] et enfin l’Olympique Lyonnais[3] se sont lancés respectivement dans l’e-sport en s’offrant leur équipe de pro-gamers. Le rapprochement de ces clubs professionnels français vers l'e-sport n'est pas un cas isolé et s'inscrit dans un mouvement déjà amorcé par d’autres clubs européens : Beşiktaş Jimnas
Keywords : Football (Soccer), Video Game, e-sport, Markets, Sport Simulation
Summary. – This study addresses the issue of the appropriation of the Serious Game as technical object, by offering a model identifying a set of accompaniments to promote such a process. This model, called RDU, presents three main types of accompaniments: Realization, Dissemination and Use. Together, they comprise fifteen types of distinct accompaniments. The purpose of this study, after describing its development, is to experience on the field this RDU model applied to the Serious Games.
Keywords : Accompaniment, Appropriation, Ecosystem, Education, School, Serious Game, Model
October 13, 2016, an important date in the world of gaming: the launch of Playstation VR (Virtual Reality) for Sony's console. What potential for Serious Gaming? That's what we wanted to test out, starting with the “Playstation VR Worlds” compilation, in particular the title “Ocean Descent”, which invites us to explore the ocean depths...
This first of January 2017 was an opportunity to test Playstation VR at Ludoscience.Here's a look back at our observations and experiences with various titles associated with this technology.First of all, we tested the “Playstation VR Worlds” compilation and in particular the title: “Ocean Descent”, which invites us to visit the ocean depths. Protected by a cage, you descend little by little into the depths, contemplating the aquatic landscapes. Right from the start, you'
Keywords : Virtual Reality, Body, Video game, Serious game, Evaluation, Learning, Emotions, VR Helmet
(Broacasting our studies)
On September 8, 2016, as part of the SAMSEI (Stratégies d'Apprentissages des Métiers de Santé en Environnement Immersif) Lyon Summer School organized within the University of Lyon, a workshop named “Point sur le jeu sérieux” (Druette, 2016) was offered. During this workshop, which welcomed around fifty participants, mainly healthcare practitioners, we introduced the CEPAJe model for the first time. Developed during 2015, this model aims to explain, in part
Keywords : Serious Game, Evaluation, Health, Therapeutic scenario, Evaluative model, Therapeutic journey, Awareness
(Broacasting our studies)
(Broacasting our studies)