This paper aims to present the concept of Datagame, a category of Serious Game associated with data exchange. After having exposed the concept of Datagame, presented subcategories and associated titles, reviewed the notion of crowdsourcing, metrics and traces, we will explore if such games relativize the unproductive criteria of Caillois and if direct benefits could be addressed to players. Program
Keywords : Datagame, Serious Game, Metrics, Traces, Crowdsourcing, Benefits, Players
In the field of microbiology training, in which contaminated products must be handled and recycled, there are new needs in order to reduce risks and costs. New advances in Tangible interaction and serious game domains can provide solutions to answer these needs. We propose a serious game relating to waste sorting. It is available on a tangible tabletop equipped with RFID technology. The design and realisation using tangibility and gamification concepts are presented. An exploratory study with st
Keywords : Tangible interaction, Serious Game, Interactive tabletop, RFID, Gamification, Gameplay, Waste sorting, Microbiology
BLUE BOT PROJECT Serious digital games are attractive educational tools and resources which are undoubtedly relevant in appropriate contexts and situations (Alvarez et al., 2016). Faced with growing screen consumption by young children and its dangers on the development of several capacities, the exposure of kindergarten children is questionable (Tisseron, 2013). In order to benefit from the potential of serious digital games, without achieving overexposure to the screen, the use of toys su
Keywords : Serious Game, Robot
(Broacasting our studies)
In 2013, the cover of “Nature” magazine was devoted to the benefits of video games for senior citizens. Today, the big video game players are positioning themselves in this field: for example, Nintendo has been offering “Dr Kawashima's Brain Training” since 2007, or the “Walk with Me” application, which is designed to facilitate daily exercise and encourage walking. A Japanese company like Bandai Namco, whose business is the development and marketing of video
Keywords : Health game, Serious game, Health, Patient, Defintion
The use of Serious Games (SG) in the health domain is expanding. In the field of Neurodegenerative Diseases (ND) such as Alzheimer’s Disease, SG are currently employed to provide alternative solutions for patients’ treatment, stimulation, and rehabilitation. The design of SG for people with ND implies collaborations between professionals in ND and professionals in SG design. As the field is quite young, professionals specialized in both ND and SG are still rare, and recommendations f
Keywords : Serious games, Ergonomic criteria, Game design, Alzheimer Disease, Mild cognitive impairment
Presentation of the CEPAJe model (Context, Teacher, Pedagogy, Learner, Game) Find out more about the CEPAJe model: * CEPAJe grid with suggested questions: * Article on the CEPAJe model (2017): * Design of serious game devices and experiments (open-access PDF): (Chapter 10). * Apprendre avec les Serious Games? (ebook from éditions
(Broacasting our studies)
This chapter on the work of gamification aims to question the concept of gamification when it is part of prescribed managerial training devices. A distinction is made between simulator and serious game, then between serious game and serious gaming, and finally, we ask ourselves which name is more appropriate in the light of our research findings. A new name seems more appropriate than gamification, and could be degamification.
Keywords : Serious game, Gamification, Ungamification, Serious gaming, Simulator, Training, Management
Based on the FEPES project (First European Parliament Elections Simulator), this paper seeks to contribute to the growing field of research and experiments dealing with political sciences digital games. Awareness and democratic participation to the European union are significant and critical social issues. Digital narrative-based learning offers a means of raising citizens’awareness and in engaging them in participating to the democratic life of the European Union. An online survey was con
Keywords : Serious Game, European Parliament, Political sciences digital games, Game