CALL FOR PAPERS for a Special Issue of the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL) on Learning Analytics in Massively Multiuser Virtual Environments and CoursesThere has been much interest of late in ‘big data’ and the role it can play in decision making in diverse areas of business, science and entertainment. By employing a combination of modern artificial intelligence, machine learning and statistics techniques, extremely large and complex data sets can be &lsquo
Keywords : call for papers, journal
Keywords : serious games, game creation tools, project based learning
Since 2005, we have been providing courses on video game design to students from several university courses and training centers (INSA and several departments of the University of Toulouse, France). The educational objective is to get learners to design and carry out small video game projects with a message. The themes are oriented for example on awareness of food hygiene, or the discovery of industrial or engineering professions. From 2010, we are focusing on the creation of Newsgames with engi
Keywords : newsgames, critical thinking, project-based learning, Serious game
(Broacasting our studies)
In a video game design teaching course, we chose to replace the creation of entertainment videogames by the creation of Newsgames (i.e. Serious Games about news topics). Thanks to this change, our course seems to be able to enhance the critical thinking skills of students while still teaching them how to design videogames. For example, several students designed different videogames about the same news topic. This project required them to exchange their own opinions and discuss about the news top
Keywords : newsgame, design, project based learning, Serious game
A book chapter (in french) about the relations between the "Free Software" philosophy and the history of videogames. The book is an "open-book" (as in "open source"), freely available on its official website.
Keywords : free software, open source, video games, history
This article presents a selection of "formal game design tools" that may be able to bring game design and software engineering closer. Nowadays, game designers can rely on a set of theoretical tools to create video games. These tools are first intended to facilitate the design phase. However, some of them have a strong potential to communicate designers' ideas to the rest of the team, especially to developers. We will study four examples of such tools, before discussing how they
Keywords : game design tools, communication, industry
Abstract Social, economic and global changes make it difficult to predict what the future might hold. Creativity is one possible response to these changes. Indeed, creative skills enable students to face the complex nature of life. As a result, creativity has become significant in education, and is regarded as an important objective to be addressed in the curriculum. Nevertheless, creativity is not always promoted in schools. Rather, there are those who claim that many educational systems hinder
Keywords : Game design, Creativity, Game-based learning
This article proposes to identify different types of tutoring to mobilize when one wishes to create a Serious game. Read the article on line (p.186-189) ISBN : 978-2-9813635-1-0 (PDF version) 978-2-9813635-0-3 (printed version) Download the article
Keywords : Serious Game, Tutoring, Learning
(Broacasting our studies)
This paper aims to propose a state of the art of digital tools for health training. On this occasion, it draws an overview of these objects according to 3 categories: Serious Game, Serious Play and Simulator. The analysis of these categories leads us to specify the characteristics, uses, audiences, objectives... of each of them. In this way, we establish a link between Serious Play and Simulator and clearly distinguish Simulators from Serious Games. The simulator is sometimes based on numerical
Keywords : Serious Game, Serious Play, Simulator, Simulation